

单词 with
释义 with /wɪð; wɪθ/缩写为w. prep.
1.(in the company of)与…在一起;同…一道

Her son was with her.她的儿子和她在一起。

Come with me.跟我来。

I'll be with you in a minute我一会儿就过来

2.(at the home of)与…在一起(表示一同待在室内或同住)
to stay with sb待在某人家里

We stayed with friends.我们待在朋友家里。

(share a house with)与…住在一起

She lives with her father.她和她的父亲住在一起。

(as lovers)与…同居
3.(accompanied by)和…一起(表示和其他物品同时使用)

Serve hot, with pasta or rice.趁热和意大利面或米饭一起端上桌。

4.(indicating reciprocal action)与…一起(表示和他人共同做某事)

Parents will be able to discuss their child's progress with their teacher.家长将可以和老师交流子女的进步情况。

He walked with her to the door.他陪她走到门口。

5.(against)和, 与, 同(后接打斗、争论或比赛的对象)
to fight with sb和某人打斗
to argue with sb与某人争论
to compete with sb与…竞争

We couldn't compete with players like O'Reilly.我们无法与奥莱理公司这样的对手竞争。

to play tennis with sb和某人打网球
6.(using)用, 以, 凭借(后接工具、物品、材料等)

Remove the meat with a fork.用餐叉把肉叉走。

Doctors are treating him with the drug AZT.医生在用叠氮胸苷这种药对他进行治疗。

to walk with a stick拄着拐杖走路

He walks with a stick.他拄着拐杖走路。


A man came round with a tray of chocolates.一名男子端着一托盘巧克力走过来。

8.(in descriptions)有, 具有, 带有(表示带有某种特征或拥有某物)
a room with a view看得见风景的房间

the man with the grey hat戴灰色帽子的男子

a woman with blue eyes蓝眼睛的女人

with tears in her eyes眼里含着泪

someone with a low income低收入的人

9.(suffering from)患有(某疾病)
people with AIDS艾滋病患者

to be in bed with flu患流感卧床

10.(indicating what covers or fills sth)由, 用(表示用某物覆盖、填充)

His legs were caked with mud.他腿上结了干泥巴。

The table was cluttered with dirty tea cups.桌上凌乱地堆着用过的茶杯。

The rooms are stuffed with antiques.房间里堆满了古玩。

Sprinkle the top with the Parmesan cheese.上面撒上帕尔马干酪。

to fill sth with water将…盛满水

Fill the jug with water.把壶里装满水。

11.(in regard to)关于;就…而言

He has a problem with money.他在钱上遇到了问题。

He was still a little angry with her.他还有点儿生她的气。

I am happy with that decision.我对那个决定很满意。

See alsocope¹
12.(indicating manner)用, 伴着, 带着(表示行为方式)

The front door closed with a crash behind him.前门在他身后砰的一声关上了。

with reluctance不情愿地

with dignity有尊严地

with a sigh长叹一声

With a sigh, she leant back and closed her eyes.她叹了口气, 身体向后倚靠, 闭上了眼睛。

with a smile带着微笑
13.(indicating cause)由于;因为
red with anger气得满脸通红
to tremble with anger气得发抖
to shake with fear吓得哆嗦
14.(describing position)与…同时;随着

She stood with her hands on the sink.她两手放在水槽上站着。

Michelle had fallen asleep with her head against his shoulder.米歇尔头靠在他的肩上睡着了。

15.(describing a factor in a situation)由于;鉴于

With the win, the U.S. reclaimed the cup for the first time since 1985.这次胜利使美国队自1985年后第一次赢得该奖杯。

16.(making comparisons or contrasts)同, 与, 跟(表示对照)

It's different with us.我们不那样做。

It's the same with most jobs.这和大部分工作一样。

17.(according to)随着;跟着;根据
to increase with sth随着…而增长
to decrease with sth随着…而减少
18.(in the same direction as)与…方向一致;顺着
to drift with the current随着水流的方向漂流
19.(in spite of)虽然;尽管
with all sb's/sth's faults虽然…有种种错误
20.(time or distance remaining)还有…的距离(或时间)

With three miles to go, he collapsed.在离目的地还有3英里时, 他支撑不住倒下了。

We made the train with a minute to spare.我们在开车前一分钟赶上了火车。

21.to be with sb/sth
(working for)被…雇用;为…工作

I'm with a different company now.我如今在另一家公司工作。

22.to be with sb/sth
(using the services of)使用…的服务

Which bank are you with?你们使用哪家银行的服务?

to be with sb<非正式>(understand)理解某人

I'm with you.我明白你的意思。

I'm not with you.我不明白你在说什么。


I'm with you all the way.我会一直支持你。

what's with sb/sth?<非正式>是怎么回事?

And what's with Eadie's weird beard?还有伊迪怪异的胡须是怎么回事?

with it<非正式>(fashionable)时髦的;新潮的

not to be with it不时髦

(able to understand)明白的;理解的

I'm not really with it till I've had my first cup of coffee.我直到喝了第一杯咖啡才真正弄明白。

with thatSeethat²




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