

单词 wind
释义 wind¹ /wɪnd/ n.
1.(air current)

There was a strong wind.狂风肆虐。

The wind was blowing.正在刮风。

The wind had dropped considerably.风力已大大减弱了。

a gust of wind一阵强风;一阵狂风
in the wind在风中
into the wind逆风
2.<尤诗>(from a particular direction)风向

Westerly winds prevail during the greater part of the year.一年的大部分时间吹的都是西风。

3.(artificially created)(风扇、泵等产生的)气流

She suffered from wind.她有肠胃气胀的毛病。


I stopped to get my wind back.我停下来喘口气。

See alsosecond wind
6.(power to breathe)呼吸能力
7.(musical instruments)(统称)管乐器
the windorthe wind section管乐器部;管乐器组
8.(destructive force)破坏性力量(或影响)

The world's entire aerospace industry is feeling the chill winds of recession.全世界的航空航天工业都感受到了经济衰退的寒意。

9.(trend, force)趋势;潮流;动向

The winds of change are blowing across the country.改革之风吹遍全国。

10.(empty talk)空谈;废话
12.to be in the wind即将发生;可能发生

War was in the wind.战争即将到来。

13.between wind and water【海】在(船体的)水线处
14.to break wind放屁
15.to get wind of sth<非正式>听到某事的风声;获悉有关某事的消息

I don't want the public to get wind of it.我不希望公众听到有关此事的任何风声。

16.to get the wind uporto have the wind up<非正式>变得紧张(或害怕)
17.into the teeth of the windorinto the eye of the wind朝着风吹的方向;顶着风

Shivering, he forced his way into the teeth of the wind.他迎着风前行, 身体打着战。

We were going to be sailing into the eye of the wind.我们将顶风航行。

18.to know/see/find out which way the wind is blowingorto know/see/find out how the wind is blowing知道/觉察/查明事态的发展

Perhaps seeing how the wind was blowing, they sold the farm.也许, 他们察觉到事态发展, 就把农场卖掉了。

19.off the wind【海】顺风
20.on the wind【海】迎风
21.to put the wind up sb<英,非正式>使某人感到害怕(或担心)

The delay put the wind up me because, by then, I knew something was very wrong.延误令我很担忧, 因为那时我知道出了大问题。

22.to raise the wind<英,非正式>筹款
23.to sail close to the windorto sail near to the wind冒风险;濒临险境;几乎犯法(或逾规)

Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.马克斯警告她说她这是在玩火, 有被起诉的危险。

24.to take the wind out of sb's sails冷不防使某人泄气(或气馁)
25.three sheets in the wind<非正式>喝醉的
wind² /wɪnd/ comp.
+ section, ensemble, instrument管乐器的
wind³ /wɪnd/ vt.(winds,winding,winded)
1.(take breath away)使喘不过气来;使呼吸困难

I was winded by the force of his punch.他那一记重拳打得我喘不过气来。

3.【猎】(pursue)+ quarry循气味追踪
4.<非正式>(by patting back)+ baby(轻轻拍抚后背)给…拍嗝儿
wind⁴ /wɪnd/(winds,winding,wound)
🄰 vt.
1.to wind sth around sth
(coil, wrap)把某物卷绕在某物上

She wound the bandage around his knee.她用绷带把他的膝盖包扎起来。

+ string, wool把…缠绕成团
2.(encircle, wrap)包;裹

They took his body and wound it in linen cloth.他们带走了他的尸体, 用亚麻布包裹起来。

3.(wind up)+ clock, toy给…上发条

He stopped to wind his watch.他停下来给表上发条。

4.to wind your way through/along/up sth
(move in spiral)迂回地穿过/沿…而行/沿…而上

as the taxi wound its way through the tranquil streets of the town当出租车迂回穿过宁静的城镇街道

5.(make turn)+ handle转动

He wound a handle and the lift ground to a halt.他拧转把手, 升降梯猛然停住。

6.to wind sth in

The last thing you want is for your line to snap half way through winding it in.你最不想遇到的情况是拖到一半时绳子突然绷断了。

7.to wind sth into sth
🄱 vi.
1.to wind through sth

The road winds through the valley.那条路弯弯曲曲地穿过山谷。

to wind along sth迂回地沿…而行
to wind past sth迂回经过…

An endless snake of people winds past the tomb.看不见尽头的人流迂回经过墓地。

2.to be wound up in sth陷入…;卷入…;牵涉进…
Phrasal Verbswind back,wind down,wind forward,wind off,wind on,wind up
wind⁵ /wɪnd/ n.
1.to give sth a wind
+ watch, clock给…上发条;+ handle转动
3.(twist; in board, plank)扭曲
wind⁶ /wɪnd/ vt.(winds,winding,winded wound)
<诗>+ horn, bugle用…吹出




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