

单词 whole
释义 whole¹ /həʊl/ adj.
the whole class整个班

a whole box of chocolates一整盒巧克力糖

Whole villages were destroyed.一些村庄整个儿都被毁了。

We spent the whole summer in Italy.我们在意大利度过了整个夏天。

I spent the whole afternoon taking photographs.我拍了整整一下午的照片。

The whole set costs £125.00.全套售价125英镑。

It is time this whole sorry business was sorted out.现在是时候从头到尾解决这件令人遗憾的事情了。

the whole time that …在…的全过程中

It rained the whole time we were there.我们在那儿的时候一直在下雨。

never in my whole life在我的一生中从未
(all of it)全体;全部;一切

Isn't there any coffee left? — No, Bruno drank the whole lot.咖啡一点也没剩吗?——是的, 布鲁诺全喝光了。

(all of them)全部;全数;总量

Aren't there any biscuits left? — No, Caroline took the whole lot.饼干一点都没有了吗?——是的, 卡罗琳全拿走了。

the whole lot of it整体;全体;一切
the whole lot of them全部;全数;总量
the whole truth完整真相;全部事实

Alma knew that this was not the whole truth.阿尔玛知道这并不是全部事实。

I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.我对万能的上帝发誓, 我将提供的证据是真相, 全部真相, 绝对是真相。

2.<非正式>(for emphasis)完全的

That would open up a whole series of scientific and philosophical difficulties.这将解开一系列科学和哲学难题。

There are a whole lot of people who want to meet you.有很多人想见你。

a whole load of sthora whole bunch of sth大量某物;大批某物

That saved me a whole bunch of money.那省了我一大笔钱。

a whole lot better/worse<非正式>好/差很多

But it's made me feel a whole lot better.但这让我感觉好多了。

We need to play a whole lot better.我们需要演得更好。

But it could have been a whole lot worse.但是这本可能会更糟糕。

But things were about to get a whole lot worse.但是事情即将变得更糟糕。

3.(in one piece)完整无损的;未受伤害的;未被破坏的

Fortunately, the plates were still whole.幸运的是, 那些盘子仍然完整无缺。

4.【数】+ number整的
5.+ brother, sister同父母的;同胞的
to make sb whole使某人恢复健康
7.out of whole clothorfrom whole cloth<美,加拿大,非正式>毫无事实根据的;完全没有事实基础的
whole² /həʊl/ adv.
1.(in one piece)整体地;完整地

He swallowed it whole.他整个吞了下去。

If they happened to kill a wild boar or an antelope, they would roast it whole.如果他们碰巧杀死了一头野猪或羚羊, 就会整个烤了吃。

2.<非正式>(for emphasis)完全地;彻底地

I saw a whole different side of him that day.那天我看到了他完全不同的一面。

a whole new way of doing business一种做生意的全新方式

whole³ /həʊl/ n.
a small percentage of the whole全体中的一小部分
the whole of sth…的整体;…的全部
the whole of the time全部时间
2.(single thing with many parts)整体;统一体

The earth's weather system is an integrated whole.地球的气候系统是一个有机的整体。

a coherent whole一个连贯的整体
3.(all the parts of sth)所有部分;全部元素
4.as a whole整体而言;总体上

He described the move as a victory for the people of South Africa as a whole.他把这一举动描述为整个南非人民的胜利。

5.on the whole大体上说;总的说来

On the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure.总的说来, 人们渴望享受闲暇的时光。





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