

单词 while
释义 while¹ /waɪl/ conj.
1.(at the same time as)(表示两件事同时发生)当…的时候, 在…时

I'll tidy up while you make the dinner.你来做晚饭, 我来收拾。

You hold the torch while I look inside.你拿着手电筒, 我看看里面。

While I was in London she was in Paris.我在伦敦的时候她在巴黎。

2.(when)(表示某一件事在另一件事发生过程中的某一时间点发生)当…的时候, 在…时

Someone opened the door while he was making his speech.他正在做演讲的时候, 有人打开了门。

The two ministers have yet to meet, but may do so while in New York.两位部长尚未会面, 但可能会在纽约碰头。

3.(all the time that)一直;始终

I stay inside while it's raining.下雨的时候, 我一直待在屋里。

She never went there while her husband was alive.她丈夫活着的时候, 她从未去过那里。

There was never any trouble while we were living there.我们在那里居住的时候从来没有任何麻烦。

4.(during the activity of)(与动名词连用)当…时, 在…时

While walking I often whistle.我走路的时候经常吹口哨。


Isobel is very dynamic, while Kay is more laid-back.伊索贝尔很有活力, 而凯却很懒散。

6.(though)(与从句或形容词连用)虽然, 尽管

While I didn't know him all that well when we were students, I do remember him as a brilliant musician.虽然学生时代我和他没那么熟, 但我的确记得他在音乐方面很有才华。

Your letter, while complete in other regards, avoided the subject of cost.你的信虽然在其他方面很完整, 但回避了成本问题。

while² /waɪl/ n.
1.a while
(period of time)一会儿;一段时间
after a while不久;过一会儿

The injection worked quite quickly and, after a while, he slept.注射很快起了作用。不一会儿他就睡着了。

a while ago不久前

He was here a while ago.他刚才还在这儿。

a little while ago不久前

a book that I read a little while ago我不久前读过的一本书

(referring to future)(未来)一会儿, 一阵子

Why don't you both stay for a while?为什么你们两个不在这里待一会儿呢?

(referring to past)(过去)一会儿, 一阵子

They talked for a while and then went home together.他们交谈了一会儿, 然后一起回家。

I lived in London for a while.我在伦敦住过一阵子。

in a while一会儿;过不了多久
(referring to future)(未来的)相当长一段时间

It will take quite a while to come to terms with what has happened.要接受既成事实还需相当长的一段时间。

(referring to past)(过去的)较长一段时间

I haven't seen him for quite a while.我已经有一阵子没见到他了。

quite a while ago很久以前
2.all the while一直;始终

All the while the people at the next table watched me eat.邻桌的那些人一直在看着我吃饭。

I hugged him, and all the while I felt sick.我拥抱了他, 期间一直觉得难受。

3.to be worth sb's while值得某人去做;对某人有好处

Don't argue with him – it's not worth your while.别跟他吵——那不值得。

It's worth your while to book in advance.提前预订对你很有好处。

4.the while
(at that time)<过时或文>其时;当时
while³ /waɪl/
Phrasal Verbwhile away




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