

单词 whatever
释义 whatever¹ /wɒtˈevə; wət-/ determiner

We can help with whatever problems you have.我们可以帮你解决所有问题。

Whatever doubts he might have had about Ingrid were all over now.他对英格丽德可能存有的疑虑现在全都烟消云散了。

whatever² /wɒtˈevə; wət-/ rel. pron.
1.(anything, everything)任何…的事物;凡是…的东西

Do whatever is necessary.做一切必要的事。

Franklin could do pretty much whatever he pleased.富兰克林几乎可以做自己喜欢做的任何事情。

You're better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens.你最好做好心理准备, 应对可能发生的一切。

He's good at whatever he does.他做事样样出色。

2.whatever you say(表示勉强接受)随便你怎么说, 随你的便

We'll go in your car, Billy. — Whatever you say.比利, 我们要坐你的车。——随便。

whatever³ /wɒtˈevə; wət-/ conj.
1.(no matter what)不管怎样;无论什么

People will judge you whatever you do.不论你做什么, 人们都会品头论足。

whatever the …不管什么…

whatever the weather不管什么天气

whatever happens无论发生什么
2.(indicating vagueness)(用于表示不清楚刚刚所提到事物的准确特征、含义、价值等)不管什么, 随便怎样

I thought that my upbringing was 'normal', whatever that is.我认为我的成长过程不管怎么说还算“正常”。

'I love you', he said. 'Whatever that means', she said.他说:“我爱你。”她说:“随便你什么意思吧。”

3.whatever you do
(when giving advice)(用于提出建议或警告)不管做什么, 无论怎样

Don't tell Carl, whatever you do.无论如何也不要告诉卡尔。

Whatever you do, don't touch that switch.无论如何也不要碰那个开关。

whatever⁴ /wɒtˈevə; wət-/ pron.
(用于问句, 表示吃惊)究竟是什么, 到底是什么

Whatever is the matter?这到底是怎么回事?

Whatever are you crying for?你到底在哭什么?

Whatever can you mean?你到底是什么意思?

whatever⁵ /wɒtˈevə; wət-/ adv.
1.(whatsoever, absolutely)(用于名词词组后, 强调否定陈述)什么…也, 任何…也, 一点儿…也

There is also no evidence whatever that he intends to do anything about it.没有任何证据表明他打算对此采取任何行动。

There's no doubt whatever about it.这件事绝对没有什么可质疑的。

no reason whatever没有任何原因
nothing whatever没有任何事情

There's nothing whatever we can do about it.我们对此无能为力。

2.(indicating vagueness)(用于表示不清楚刚刚所提及事物的准确特征、含义、价值等)无论什么, 不管怎样

You need to get some help, a doctor, a counsellor, whatever.你需要寻求帮助, 找医生也好, 律师也好, 都可以。

or whatever<非正式>等等;诸如此类

More likely it was kids playing a prank or a wrong number or whatever.这更有可能是孩子们在搞恶作剧, 或是拨错了电话, 诸如此类。

whatever⁶ /wɒtˈevə; wət-/ interj.
<非正式>(用于表示不在乎)随便, 怎么都行, 无所谓

That attitude is completely unacceptable!—Yeah, yeah, whatever.这种态度是完全不能接受的!——好, 好, 无所谓。





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