

单词 bite
释义 bite¹ /baɪt/(bits,biting,bit,bitten)
🄰 vt.
1.(nibble)person, animal +咬;咬断

Please bite this rubber block hard.请用力咬这块橡胶。

He had bitten the cigarette in two.他把香烟咬成了两段。

to bite your nails咬指甲

Both sisters bit their nails as children.两姊妹小时候都咬指甲。

2.(hurt)animal, snake +咬;mosquito +

My sister's dog bit me.我姐姐的狗咬了我。

A poisonous snake bit his ankle.一条毒蛇咬了他的脚踝。

I got bitten by mosquitoes.我被蚊子叮了。

🄱 vi.
1.(use teeth)person, animal +咬;咬断

He bit into his sandwich.他咬了一口三明治。

2.(attack)person, animal, snake +咬;mosquito +

Does he bite?他会咬人吗?

Llamas won't bite or kick.美洲驼既不咬人, 也不踢人。

malarial mosquitos which bite at night在晚上叮人的疟蚊

3.(take bait)fish +吞饵;上钩

After half an hour, the fish stopped biting and we moved on.半小时后, 鱼儿不再咬钩了, 我们只好换地方。

(to eat into)腐蚀某物

The acid bites into the metal, where it is exposed, leaving behind lines sunk into the plate.酸性物质腐蚀了暴露在外的金属部分, 在板材上留下一道道凹痕。

5.(take effect)sanctions, recession +生效;起作用

As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead.随着制裁开始生效, 政治上将面临更多的困难。

to bite into sth对…起作用;对…产生影响

The recession started biting deeply into British industry.经济衰退开始对英国的工业产生严重影响。

to bite the bullet硬着头皮应对困境;咬紧牙关忍受痛苦

I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and tell him the truth.我想我只好硬着头皮把真相告诉他。

to bite the dust<非正式>完结;终了;结束

The small employers' exemption from the Act will bite the dust on October 1.小雇主们免于遵守该法案的待遇将在10月1日终止。

to bite the hand that feeds you忘恩负义;恩将仇报

She may be cynical about the film industry, but she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.她对电影业可能有些怀疑失望, 但并没有恩将仇报之意。

to bite sb's head off<非正式>(无理地)呵斥某人, 对某人大发雷霆

Whenever possible, suggest she talks about it, but she may bite your head off.找机会建议她谈谈这事儿, 但她可能会大发雷霆。

to bite your liporto bite your tongue忍住不说;保持缄默

He bit his tongue as he found himself on the point of saying 'I told you so'.他想说“我告诉过你”, 话到嘴边又咽了回去。

I must learn to bite my lip.我得学会不乱说话。

to bite off more than you can chew<非正式>贪多嚼不烂;试图承担力所不及的事;不自量力

I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew.我好像是不自量力了。

once bitten, twice shy一次被咬, 下次胆小;一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕井绳
Phrasal Verbsbite back,bite off,bite on,bite through
bite² /baɪt/ n.

You cannot eat a bun in one bite.你不可能一口就把整个面包吃下去。

to take a bite of sth咬一口某物

He took another bite of his apple.他又咬了一口苹果。


I enjoyed every bite.我觉得每一口都好吃。

a bite to eat少量食物;简单的一餐

We went home for a bite to eat.我们回家吃点东西。

+ food咬一口…

I took a bite out of the sandwich.我咬了一口三明治。

+ savings, profits花掉一部分…;拿出一部分…

Local taxes are going to be taking a bigger bite out of people's income than they ever have before.地方税在人们收入中的比重将超过以往任何时候。

Higher costs are taking a bigger bite out of the company's profits.成本增加使公司的利润较先前缩水。

3.+of dog, snake, person咬伤
(insect bite)叮伤;蜇伤

Any dog bite needs immediate medical attention.被狗咬后必须立即就医。

He died from a snake bite.他被蛇咬死了。

My face and hands are covered with mosquito bites.我脸上和手上满是蚊子叮过的痕迹。

4.【渔】(鱼的)吞饵, 上钩

If I don't get a bite in a few minutes I lift the rod and twitch the bait.如果几分钟没有鱼上钩, 我就提起钓竿晃动一下鱼饵。

5.+of food辛辣味;浓郁味道

the addition of tartaric acid to give the wine some bite为增加红酒的浓郁口感而加入酒石酸

6.(feeling, passion)强烈的情感(或感觉)

The teams have that extra bite when they are playing against their neighbours.这几支球队与其邻近地区球队交手时锐气更盛。

The novel seems to lack bite and tension, even passion.这部小说似乎缺乏感染力, 也没有紧张的情节, 甚至缺少激情。

7.(cold feeling)刺骨的寒冷

There was a bite in the air, a smell perhaps of snow.寒气刺骨, 似乎有雪的气息。

8.(depth of cut)(机床的)切割深度
10.(in Dentistry)(上下齿的)咬合
11.+of file锉面;有齿面
12.(corrosive action)(酸的)腐蚀(作用)
to put the bite on sb<澳,俚>向某人要钱




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