

单词 way
释义 way¹ /weɪ/ n.
1.(method, means)方法;手段

Do it this way.按这种方法做。

This book tells you the right way to do it.这本书会告诉你正确的方法。

You're doing it the wrong way.你用的方法不对。

a way of doing sth做某事的方法

different ways of cooking fish做鱼的不同方法

Is there a way of finding out the truth?有什么方法可以找到真相吗?

I suppose that's one way of looking at it.我想那是看待此事的一种方法。

a way to do sth做某事的方法

I can't think of a worse way to spend my time.我想不出比这更糟糕的消磨时间的方法了。

This is a good way to peel garlic.这个办法剥大蒜很好。

2.(manner, style)方式;作风

She smiled in a friendly way.她友好地笑了笑。

the way (that) sb does sth某人做某事的方式

I don't like the way doctors speak to you.我不喜欢医生跟你说话的方式。

in some ways在某些方面

She is rather bad-tempered in some ways.她在某些方面脾气很糟。

in every way在各方面

The new system is in every way an improvement on the old.新系统在各方面都较老系统有改进。

4.sb's way
(usual manner)某人的惯常行为;某人的作风

She did it quickly, as was her way.她以一贯的作风很快办完了这件事。

She could have forced them to do it, but that's not her way.她本可以强迫他们做这件事, 但这不是她的作风。

5.to push/thrust etc your way
(talking about physical progress)向前挤;推挤着往前走

I pushed my way to the front.我挤到了前面。

He elbowed his way to the bar.他从人群中挤进酒吧。

(talking about achievement)发展;前进

Start at the bottom and try to work your way up.从底层干起, 然后努力一步步升上去。


I don't know the way.我不知道路。

way to sth去某地的路线

Is this the way to the supermarket?去超市是走这条路吗?

to ask sb the way向某人问路

A man asked me the way to St Paul's.一个男人问了我去圣保罗的路。

the way back回去的路
the way home回家的路
which way … ?哪个方向…?

Which way did she go?她往哪个方向走的?

that way那边;那个方向
this way这边;这个方向

The supermarket is this way.超市在这个方向。

This way please, ladies and gentlemen.女士们、先生们, 请这边走。

this way and that不同的方向;相反的方向;四面八方
the other way相反的方向
the right way正确的方向
the wrong way错误的方向

She was driving the wrong way down a one-way street.她正在一条单行道上驾车逆行。

(in someone's direction)朝某人所在的方向

A tropical storm could be heading your way.热带风暴可能会朝你们那边刮。

8.(entry or exit)入口;出口;出路
the back way后门

We'll go out the back way.我们会从后门出去。

the front way前门

They came in the front way.他们从前门进来了。

way in<英>入口

This is the way in.这是入口。

'Way In'<英>“入口”

way out出口;出路

The only other way out is through the kitchen.除此之外只有一条路可以出去, 就是穿过厨房。

She is trying to find a way out of her dilemma.她正努力寻找摆脱困境的出路。

'Way Out'<英>“出口”

9.(space to advance)活动的空间;行进的路线;通路
the wayorsb's way通路;某人的路

You're blocking the way.你挡着道了。

The way ahead is clear.前面的路畅通无阻。

A soldier barred her way.一个士兵挡住了她的路。

10.(indicating orientation)位置;摆放
the right way up<英>摆对位置;放对地方
the wrong way up<英>摆错位置;放错地方;颠倒
the wrong way round+ garment前后弄反;+ words, letters次序颠倒;位置弄反
to get sth the wrong way roundorto get sth the wrong way around (placeororder wrongly)将某物摆错位置;把某物前后弄反

I think you've got the cap the wrong way round.我觉得你把帽子前后戴反了。

(misunderstand or confuse)误会…;混淆…

Hearing their arguments, I'm sure they've got things the wrong way around.听了他们的争论, 我确信他们把事情弄混了。

a long way远道;一段长路

We walked a long way.我们走了很远的路。

Paris is a long way from London.巴黎离伦敦很远。

(in space or time)(空间、时间上)离得远

Uncle Mike lives a long way away.迈克叔叔住得很远。

Success is still a long way off.距离成功还很遥远。

a fair wayorquite a way很长的距离;相当远的路程

We've a fair way to go yet.我们还有很远的路要走。

I can swim quite a way now.现在我可以游很长的距离。

a short way短距离;距离近的路程
12.(in street or road names)(用于城镇的街道名)…路

Turn left into Manor Way.向左转到马诺路。

a way through the forest一条穿过森林的路
14.(long-distance path)(用于长距离道路的名字)…大道, …路

the well-trodden 250-mile Pennine Way全长250英里、人来人往的奔宁道

15.(local area)(某人居住地的)周边, 附近, 方向
(used with placenames)(与地名连用)…附近, …周边

someone from Bristol way从布里斯托尔那边来的某个人

down your way在你家附近

We'll be down your way later on this month.本月晚些时候我们会来你家这边。

round our way在我们这里

If you speak standard English anywhere round our way, people tend to view you with suspicion.如果你在我们这里讲标准英语, 大家就会用怀疑的眼光看待你。

17.【律】(right of way)通行权
18.【工】(guide or track)导轨;滑槽
19.<文>(course of life)生活道路
21.across the way街对面;路对面

She lives just across the way from me.她就住在我对街。

22.all the way
(for the whole distance)(强调距离)一路

I ended up walking with her all the way to her hotel.我最后一路走着和她一起到了她住的旅馆。


I support you all the way.我自始至终都支持你。

I didn't read the article all the way through.我没有从头到尾把这篇文章看完。

23.along the way
(during a journey)在途中

We stopped for lunch along the way.我们在途中停下来吃了午饭。

(during a process)在过程中

You may have to learn a few new skills along the way.在这个过程中你可能还得新学几招。

24.any which way以各种方式;采用各种方法

You can adjust it any which way to suit yourself.你可以根据自己的需要任意调整它。

25.as is the way事情就是这样

As is the way with these gatherings, the declarations were largely drafted before the delegations arrived.这些集会就是这样, 宣言大部分在各代表团抵达之前就起草完毕了。

26.to be on your way在路上;在途中

Lynn was on her way home.林恩在回家的路上。

It's time we were on our way.我们该上路了。

27.by a long way(表示强调)远远地, 大大地

It was, by a long way, the worst meeting I have ever attended.那是我参加过的最差的会议。

Our favourite by a long way was the supermarkets' own brand.我们最最中意的是超市的自有品牌。

28.by the way顺便说说;附带说一句

By the way, Bob, did you get my message?顺便问一句, 鲍勃, 你收到我的信息了吗?

29.by way of sth

The path goes under the river by way of the tunnel.这条路经隧道从河下方通过。

(serving as)作为…;以求…

She gave it to me by way of an apology.她把它送给我以示歉意。

by way of explanation作为解释

<尤英>(by means of)采用…方法;通过…

I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures and tutorials.我通过一系列传统的讲座和指导教授心理学。

30.by way of being

This call is by way of being a gentle warning.这个电话算是一个小小的警告。

31.to clear the way for sthorto open the way for sthorto prepare the way for sth为…排除障碍;为…扫清道路;为…铺平道路

The talks are meant to clear the way for formal negotiations on a new constitution.这些会谈旨在为新宪法的正式商定扫清障碍。

The decision could open the way for other children to sue their parents.此判决为其他儿童起诉父母开辟了道路。

Your efforts prepared the way for this momentous change.你的努力为这一重大转变铺平了道路。

32.to come sb's way
(come towards)朝某人过来

Don't turn around, but that man you pointed out to me is coming our way.别转身, 你给我指的那个人正朝咱们的方向走过来。


So, if trouble comes your way, you'll be better prepared to deal with it.所以, 如果麻烦临头, 你最好准备处理应对。

(become available)某人可以得到;出现在某人面前

We need to make use of any opportunities that come our way.我们需要利用每一个出现在眼前的机会。

33.easy way out(回避困难或尴尬处境的)最容易的办法, 最省事的做法

As soon as things got difficult he took the easy way out.事情刚变得有点儿棘手, 他就急忙脱身。

34.either way
(in both cases)(两种情况下)不管怎样, 无论发生哪一种情况

He already knew that, either way, he was going to die.他已经知道了, 无论哪种情况, 他都会死。

(indicating equally possible outcomes)(同样有可能发生的)两种情况之一

The judge could have decided either way.两种都是法官可能作出的判决。

35.every which way<尤美,非正式>(in all directions)上下左右;四面八方;杂乱无章地

cars parked every which way横七竖八停放的小汽车

(in many different ways)以各种方式;采用各种方式

He re-ran the experiment every which way he could.他用所能进行的方式重新做了实验。

36.to find your way
(not get lost)找到路;设法到达

They found their way to us without a map.他们在没有地图的情况下找到了我们这里。

(in a situation)找(到)出路;找到解决办法

I'm still finding my way around this new software.我仍在摸索这套新软件的使用方法。

37.to get in the wayorto get in sb's way

'We wouldn't get in the way,' Suzanne promised. 'We'd just stand quietly in a corner.'“我们不会碍事的, ”苏珊娜保证道, “我们就悄悄站在角落里。”

(prevent plans or actions)阻止;妨碍

He will kill anyone who gets in his way.谁妨碍到他, 他就灭了谁。

38.to get in the way of sth阻碍…发生;妨碍…

Best not to let business get in the way of pleasure.最好别让工作妨碍了玩乐。

39.to get your wayorto get your own wayorto have your wayorto have your own way随心所欲;想怎样就怎样;按自己的意愿行事

As long as he got his own way, he was a happy child.只要他能随心所欲, 他就是一个快乐的孩子。

40.to give way
(break or collapse)断裂;坍陷;倒塌

The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.天花板上的挂钩断了, 吊灯坠落到桌子上, 光华四溅。

The floor gave way and they all fell through into the room below.地板塌陷, 他们都掉进了脚下的房间。

(stop resisting)退让;屈服;让步

Harry just won't give way on that point.哈里在那一点上就是不肯让步。

It seems the President has given way to pressure from the hardliners.总统似乎在强硬派的压力下屈服了。


Give way to traffic coming from the left.让从左边来的车先行。

'Give Way'“让行”

41.to give way to sth
(be replaced by)为…所替代;让位于…

Summer finally gave way to autumn.夏天终于过去, 秋天来了。

42.to go all the way
(follow through)进行到底

Having started a revolution we must go all the way.已经开始革命, 我们就必须进行到底。

<非正式>(have sex)性交;发生性行为
43.to go your different waysorto go your separate ways各走各的路;各自发展

It wasn't until we went our separate ways that I learned to stand up for myself.直到我们各自发展, 我才学会了为自己说话。

44.to go a long way大有帮助;有很大作用

I think you might find that a little bit of respect goes a very long way with young people.我想你可能发现, 对年轻人表示些许尊重大有裨益。

45.to go a long way towards doing sth对做…大有帮助;对做…有很大作用

Although by no means a cure, it goes a long way towards making the patient's life more tolerable.尽管它不能将患者治愈, 但能让他们的日子好过得多。

46.to go on your way继续行程;继续前进

She picked up her bag, and went on her way.她拾起袋子, 继续赶路。

47.to go out of your way to do sth特地做某事;不怕麻烦地做某事;不辞辛苦地做某事

He was very kind to me and seemed to go out of his way to help me.他对我很好, 为了帮我似乎不辞辛苦。

They went out of their way to make things difficult for us.他们特地给我们制造困难。

48.to go your own way按自己的意愿行事;我行我素

She prefers to go her own way, which is fine by me.她愿意按她自己的想法来, 我无所谓。

49.to go your way
(travel in same direction)和你同方向;和你同路

If you're going my way, I could give you a lift.如果你和我同路, 我可以捎你一段。

(be favourable to you)对你有利

Things are starting to go our way, at last.事情终于开始朝对我们有利的方向发展。

50.to have come a long way取得巨大进展;取得很多成就
51.to have it both ways二者兼得;兼顾两头;两面讨好

You can't have it both ways.你不能脚踏两只船。

52.have it your wayorhave it your own way(表示生气)随你的便

All right, have it your way, we'll let them go first.好吧, 按你的意思办, 我们让他们先走。

53.to have a way of doing sth有做某事的习惯;经常做某事

She has a way of making you feel really welcome.她常让你觉得自己很受欢迎。

54.to have a way with sth/sb善于与…打交道

Constance doesn't have a way with words like you do.康斯坦丝不像你那样善于辞令。

He seems to have had a way with foreigners.他似乎已然善于同外国人打交道。

55.to have your way with sborto have your wicked way with sb<幽默>(通常指男人)勾引某人并与之发生性关系

He boasted of having had his wicked way with her more than once.他吹嘘已对她得手不止一次了。

56.in a bad way<非正式>病情严重;身体很差

He's in a bad way, but able to talk.他病得很重, 但还能说话。

57.in a big way<非正式>(substantially)大规模地;大肆地

Soccer in the States has never taken off in a big way.足球在美国从未大规模发展起来。


If I wasn't happily married, I could go for her in a big way.要不是我现在婚姻幸福, 我会猛追她的。

58.in more ways than one不单是这样;还有别的意思

These local elections may prove a turning point in more ways than one.这些地方选举可能最终结果并不仅仅是一个转折点。

59.in no wayornot in any way决不;一点儿也不

You are not in any way to blame for what happened.发生的事情绝不是你的错。

In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods.我决不会接受他的任何一种方法。

60.in the same way

She doesn't like to mix her professional and personal lives, and, in the same way, I intend to keep my home life private.她不喜欢把职业和个人生活混为一谈, 同样地, 我倾向于对我的家庭生活保密。

61.in a small way小规模(但重要或有用)地

demonstrations against corruption, which began in a small way last week上周开始小规模进行的反腐败示威游行

62.in a way(用于缓和语气)在某种程度上, 在某些方面

In a way, I suppose I'm frightened of failing.在某种程度上, 我觉得自己害怕失败。

63.in the wayorin sb's way挡道;碍事;妨碍某人

You're in my way.你碍我的事了。

64.in the way of sth关于…;就…而言

Do you have something in the way of a frying pan?你有煎锅之类的炊具吗?

65.to keep out of sb's wayorto stay out of sb's way避开某人;不参加…

I'd kept out of his way as much as I could.我已经尽可能地避开他。

66.to know your way around sth对…完全熟悉;通晓…

He knows his way around the intricate maze of European law.他对迷宫般错综复杂的欧洲法律知之甚详。

67.to lead the way
(act as guide)带路;领路

Archie led the way upstairs.阿奇带路上楼。


Sony had also led the way in shrinking the size of compact-disc players.索尼也率先缩小了CD播放机的尺寸。

68.a long way from sth绝非;远远没有;离…还差得远

The game is still a long way from over.比赛距离结束还有很长时间。

69.to lose your way
(get lost)迷路

The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border by mistake.这些人在沙暴中迷了路, 错误地穿越了边境。

(go wrong)误入歧途;茫然不知所措

Why has the White House lost its way on tax and budget policy?为什么白宫在税收和预算政策上误入歧途了呢?

70.to make way让路

Make way!让一让!

71.to make your way

He made his way home at last.他最后终于往家走了。

The home supporters were already making their way towards the exits.主场的球迷们已经开始往出口的方向走了。

(be successful)获得成功;发迹

He was able to make his way in life despite all these handicaps.尽管有各种不利因素, 他仍然获得了成功。

72.to make way for sb/sth被…取代;让位于…

Slums have been cleared to make way for new high-rise apartments.贫民窟已被清除, 新的高层公寓取而代之。

She resigned to make way for a younger woman.为了给女性后辈让位, 她辞职了。

73.to my way of thinking(用于提供个人意见)我觉得

To my way of thinking, it didn't need to be so complicated.我觉得, 它没必要弄得这么复杂。

74.no two ways about it<口>毫无疑问;千真万确

You stay here, you die. No two ways about it.待在这里, 你死定了。这是毫无疑问的。





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