

单词 bit
释义 bit¹ /bɪt/
bit² /bɪt/
bit³ /bɪt/ n.
1.(small piece)+of bread, cheese, cake小块;+of paper小片;+of string小段

Would you like another bit?您想再来一小块么?


Now comes the really important bit.下面是非常重要的部分。

That's the bit of the meeting that I missed.那就是会议上我错过的那一小段。

3.(way of behaving)(尤指旨在给人留下某种印象的)行为, 做法

She's doing the prima donna bit.她现在是首席女歌手。

4.【计】(binary digit)(二进制)位
5.【计】(unit of information)位, 比特(最小信息单位)
6.【计】(unit of capacity)位, 比特(容量单位)
7.(in US and Canada;amount of money)12.5美分(与双数连用)
two bits25美分
my two bits我的一些拙见
8.+of horse马嚼子;马衔;衔铁
9.+of brace, drill钻头;钎头
10.+of plane刨刀片;刨刃
11.+of pincers钳嘴;钳牙
12.+of soldering iron烙铁头
13.+of key钥匙齿
14.a bit
(a short time)一会儿;片刻

Wait a bit!等一会儿!

I hope there will be time to talk a bit.我希望能有些许时间谈一谈。

for a bit<英>一会儿;片刻

Let's wait for a bit.我们等一会儿吧。

That should keep you busy for a bit.那件事会让你忙上一阵子的。

15.a bit …
(a little)稍微;一点儿;有点儿

Do you play football?–A bit.你会踢足球么?――会一点儿。

He's a bit clumsy.他有点儿笨手笨脚的。

a bit more稍微多一点儿

I still think I have a bit more to offer.我依然认为我可以再稍微多付出一些。

a bit less稍微少一点儿

Maybe we'll hear a little bit less noise.也许我们听到的噪音会稍微少一点儿。

16.bit by bit一点点地;逐渐地

He painted the whole house bit by bit.他一点一点地粉刷整栋房子。

17.a bit much<英,非正式>有点过分;不合情理

It's a bit much to say it's totally our fault.说完全是我们的错有点儿过分了。

18.a bit of sth
(small amount)一点儿…;少许…;少量…

Shall we have a bit of music?我们来点儿音乐怎么样?

I need a bit of information.我需要点儿资料。

19.a bit of a sth有点儿…;有几分…;稍微…

Sorry, the room's in a bit of a mess.真不好意思, 房间有点儿乱。

This comes as a bit of a disappointment.这有点儿让人失望。

20.a bit of all right<英,非正式>性感的;风骚的;迷人的
21.a bit of crumpetora bit of stuff<英,过时,俚>风骚娘们;性感女郎
22.a bit on the side<英,非正式>情人;婚外情;外遇

Having a bit on the side is the norm for some married men.发生婚外恋对于某些已婚男人来说是常有的事。

23.to bits
(into pieces)成碎片

My old Ford is falling to bits.我的老福特车就要散架了。

She found a pretty yellow jug smashed to bits.她发现一个漂亮的黄色小罐被摔得粉碎。

(very much)非常;异常

I'm thrilled to bits for her.我为她高兴不已。

24.bits and piecesorbits and bobs<非正式>(miscellaneous things)各种零碎东西;零七八碎的东西

I bought a few bits and bobs at the market.我在市场上买了些零七八碎的小东西。

(small amounts of)少量的事物;零星的东西

I did bits and pieces of translation work.我零星做了一点翻译的活儿。

25.champing at the bitorchomping at the bit急不可待;不耐烦;急于开始
26.to do your bit尽微薄之力;尽一份力;尽自己的本分

John is doing his bit to raise funds for charity.约翰正在为筹集善款尽自己的微薄之力。

27.every bit as …和…完全一样;同样是…;丝毫不逊色于…

His latest film is every bit as interesting as his last one.他最新的一部电影和他上一部电影一样有趣。

28.to get the bit between your teethorto have the bit between your teethorto take the bit between your teeth满腔热忱;义无反顾;全力以赴

Caroline had the bit between her teeth and nothing was going to stop her.卡罗琳干劲十足, 无论什么都阻止不了她。

29.to get a bit much让人难以应付;让人无力承受
30.not a bit<尤英>+ surprised, disappointed一点儿也不;毫不

I'm really not a bit surprised.我真的一点儿也不觉得惊讶。

31.not a bit of it<英>并非如此;根本没有

Did he give up?–Not a bit of it!他放弃了吗?—— 根本没有!

32.not one little bit<英>一点儿也不;毫不;根本不

She will be missed not one little bit.根本不会有人想念她。

33.quite a bitora good bitora fair bit许多;相当多

He's quite a bit older than me.他比我年长不少呢。

I've travelled a good bit.我游历过很多地方。

The house cost a good bit more than we had planned.这栋房子的价格比我们先前预想的要高出好多。

I'd already drunk a fair bit by that time.那时候我早已醉得不省人事了。

quite a bit of sthora good bit of sthora fair bit of sth很多的…;大量的…

They're worth quite a bit of money.它们值不少钱。

She spends a good bit of time outdoors.她花大量时间参加户外活动。

He's lost a fair bit of weight.他减了不少的体重。





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