

单词 voice
释义 voice¹ /vɔɪs/ n.
1.(speaking or singing sound)说话声;歌声

Miriam's voice was strangely calm.米丽娅姆的声音出奇地平静。

There was a sound of loud voices from the kitchen.厨房里传出大声说话的声音。

I ended up with bronchitis and no voice.结果我患了气管炎, 连话都说不出来了。

in a loud voice大声地
in a soft voice轻声地;柔声细语地
in a low voice低声地;小声地

'The police are here,' she said in a low voice.“警察来了, ”她低声说。

See alsospeech¹

There were no dissenting voices.并没有什么不同的意见。

voice of sb/sth…的意见

What does one do when a government simply refuses to listen to the voice of the opposition?如果政府根本不听反对派的意见, 人们该怎么办?

voice of reason理性;理智
to make your voice heard说出你的意见;发表你的意见
3.(right to express opinion)发言机会;发言权;表达意愿

Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics.埃及作为阿拉伯政坛的重要声音再次被认可。

to have a voice in sth对…有发言权

But your partners will have no voice in how you operate your company.但你的合伙人对你如何运营自己的公司将没有任何发言权。

See alsoactive¹, 12 passive¹, 5 middle¹, 5
5.(person's characteristic speech sound)(某人说话的)嗓音, 音质
6.(temporary state of person's speech)(某人说话的)语调, 语气
7.(in singing)歌喉
8.(ability to speak etc)说话能力;唱歌能力
9.(suggestive of vocal utterance)发出的声音
11.【音】(in certain register)音高
12.【音】(in harmony)声部
13.【言语】(involving vibrating vocal cords)浊音
15.voice of sth<废>的名声;…的名誉
16.at the top of your voice高声地;大声地

'Damn!' he yelled at the top of his voice.“该死!”他大声叫道。

17.to find your voice

'Kurt Kohn was my paternal grandfather's name,' Laura said when she found her voice.“库尔特•科恩是我祖父的名字, ”劳拉鼓起勇气说道。

writer +形成个人风格

The poems which he wrote in the trenches are generally agreed to be those in which he found his true voice.他在战壕里写下的诗歌被公认为是他真正个人风格的代表作。

18.to give voice to sth表达…;表示…

a community radio run by the Catholic Church which gave voice to the protests of the slum-dwellers天主教会运营的一家传达贫民抗议呼声的社区电台

19.in voice处于良好的声音状态
20.to keep your voice down<非正式>小点声;降低声音

Keep your voice down, for goodness sake.求求你了, 小点声吧。

21.to lose your voice失声;说不出话来

I had to be careful not to get a sore throat and lose my voice.我只好处处小心, 以免因嗓子疼而失声。

22.to lower your voice放低声音;降低声音;压低嗓音

She'd lowered her voice until it was barely audible.她把声音压低到几乎听不见的程度。

23.out of voice(尤指唱歌时)声音不在状态
24.to raise your voice放大声音;提高声音

He raised his voice for the benefit of the other two women.他提高了声音, 以便让另外两个女人也能听到。

25.with one voice用同一种声音;用同样的声音;持相同的意见

This would enable the community to speak with one voice in world affairs.这样可以让该共同体在国际事务中发出同一种声音。

voice² /vɔɪs/ vt.
1.+ opinion发表;表达;+ anger, concern表示

The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration.底特律的阿拉伯人所表达的似乎主要是一种挫折感。

Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans.一些科学家已经对这种疾病传染人类的可能性表示担忧。

2.【言语】(with vibrating vocal cords)出(声);发(音)
3.【音】+ instrument, pipe给…调音
4.(in animated film)给…配音




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