

单词 vision
释义 vision¹ /ˈvɪʒən/ n.
1.(ability to see)视力;视觉

In spite of his otherwise excellent vision, he found he was colour-blind.尽管他视力极佳, 但他却发现自己是个色盲。

to have 20-20 vision视力正常

Jane blocked Cross's vision and he could see nothing.简挡住了克罗斯的视线, 他什么也看不见。

3.(imagined future)构想;展望

I have a vision of a free society.我希望看到一个自由社会。

That's my vision of how the world could be.那是我对未来世界的构想。

4.(mental image)想象;幻想
to have a vision of sb/sth想象某人/某物
to have visions of doing sth想象做某事

He had visions of being surrounded by happy children.他幻想过被快乐的孩子所包围的情景。

5.(mystical experience)异象;幻觉;幻象
the visions God granted to me上帝赐予我的异象
loss of vision图像消失
7.(beautiful sight)美景;美人

She was a vision in red velvet.她是个穿着红色天鹅绒衣服的美人。

8.+of business, institution目标;愿景
vision² /ˈvɪʒən/ vt.




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