

单词 various
释义 various¹ /ˈveərɪəs/缩写为var. determiner
(several different)各种各样的;不同种类的

Various people called round while you were out.你不在的时候很多人打来电话。

We visited various villages in the area.我们参观了这个地区的很多村子。

There were various questions he wanted to ask.他有各种各样的问题要问。

(many times)多次
Usage Note
various之后不能用different,例如: the disease exists in various (不能说 various different)forms(疾病以各种各样的形态存在)。
various² /ˈveərɪəs/ adj.
at various times在不同的时期

Dutch students graduate at various times of the year.荷兰学生在一年中的不同时间毕业。

many and various多且各不相同

The methods are many and various.方法很多且五花八门。

3.the various sth/sb
[作定语](relating to collection of people/things)千差万别的…

the various members of the club俱乐部里形形色色的成员

various³ /ˈveərɪəs/ pron.
various of sb/sth<非标准>各位…;各个…

The male caller asked for various of her male colleagues.那位男性来电者要求和她的各位男同事通话。





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