

单词 use
释义 use¹ /juːs/ n.
1.(act of using, being used)用;使用;运用;利用;应用

research related to microcomputers and their use in classrooms关于微型电脑及其在课堂使用的研究

use of sth某物的使用

The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs.这种治疗不会使用任何人工合成药物。

We are denied use of the land by the ruling classes.统治阶层剥夺了我们使用土地的权利。

He would support a use of force if the U.N. deemed it necessary.如果联合国认为有必要使用武力的话, 他会予以支持。

ready for use准备好可使用的
machine, technique, building +在使用

Industrial robots will be in widespread use.工业机器人将被广泛使用。

the methods of making Champagne which are still in use today至今仍在用的香槟酿制法

to come into use投入使用
machine, technique, building +不再使用

The site has been out of use for many years.这块地已经闲置多年。

to go out of use不再使用

She liked the fabric but couldn't find a use for it.她很喜爱这块布, 可是不知道拿来做什么好。

to have a use for sth用得着某物

You will no longer have a use for the magazines.你再也用不着这些杂志了。

to have no use for sth用不着某物
to have a use for sth使用某物
4.(way of being used)用处;用法

Metal detectors have many uses.金属探测器有多种用途。

It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever.这是一种有趣的科学现象, 但没什么实用价值。

French furniture was designed for every use.法式家具的用途极其广泛。

The report outlined possible uses for the new weapon.这份报告概述了这种新式武器的可能用处。

elderflower water for use as an eye and skin lotion可用于眼霜和润肤乳中的接骨木花水

use of sth某物的用法

We need to recognize that certain uses of the land upon which we live are simply wrong.我们需要认识到, 我们对自己生活的这片土地的某些使用方式是完全错误的。

to be of use有用;有益处
to be of no use<正式>无用;无益处
to be of use to sb对某人有用

This booklet should be of use to all students.这本小册子应该对所有的学生都有用处。

to be no use完全没有用
thing +对某人完全没有用

I was no use to anyone.我对任何人都一点儿用没有。

I'm sorry, I've been no use to you.对不起, 我一点儿忙也没帮上。

6.(permission to use)使用权
+ car, garage, facilities有某物的使用权

She will have the use of the car one night a week.她每周会有一个晚上可以用车。

You will have full use of all the new leisure club facilities.你可以充分享用俱乐部的所有新增休闲设施。

for the use of sb供某人使用

He raises crops mainly for the use of his family.他种农作物主要是为了家庭自用。

The leisure facilities are there for the use of guests.这些休闲设施是供客人使用的。

7.(ability to use)运用能力
+ limbs, faculties有运用某事物的能力
to lose the use of sth失去运用某事物的能力

young people who at some point in the past have lost the use of their limbs手脚曾经一度失去功能的年轻人

8.【语言】+of word用法

Old uses of some words are dying out.一些词语的旧用法正慢慢被淘汰。

9.+of name使用

Police have been hampered by Mr Urquhart's use of bogus names.厄克特先生使用了假名, 警方的调查因此受阻。

12.【律】(deriving benefit from property)(来自房地产、土地等的)收益
13.【律】(deriving benefit from another's property)取得收益权
14.<古>=trust¹, 2
See alsomention², 3 material mode
16.to be no use at doing sth<非正式>不擅长做某事
17.to have its uses<非正式,幽默>有好处
18.to have no use for sb<非正式>厌恶某人
19.it's no useorthere's no useorwhat's the use<口>没有用;行不通

It's no use. Let's hang up and try for a better line.打不通。挂掉吧, 找一条更好的线打吧。

There's no use you asking me any more questions.你问我再多的问题也没有用。

What's the use of complaining?抱怨有什么用呢?

it's no use doing sth做…没有用

It's no use arguing with a drunk.跟一个醉汉争论是没有用的。

It's no use shouting, she's deaf.大喊大叫是没有用的, 她是个聋子。

20.to make use of sb利用某人
21.to make use of sth
+ machine, technique, time使用…;利用…

Not all nursery schools make use of the opportunities open to them.并不是所有的托儿所都能抓住它们面临的机会。

making use of the same bottle time after time多次使用同一个瓶子

22.to put sth to good use充分利用…
use² /juːz/
🄰 vt.
1.(utilize)+ tool, machine, car, money, telephone, room, building, method, technique, force, violence使用

What's this used for?这个用来做什么?

Trim off the excess pastry using a sharp knife.用一把快刀切去多余的饼皮。

Officials used loud hailers to call for calm.官员们用扩音器呼吁大家保持冷静。

Can we use a dictionary in the exam?我们能在考试中使用词典吗?

Can I use your phone?我能用你的电话吗?

They used simple behavioural methods to help them overcome their fear.他们采用了简单的行为疗法帮助他们克服恐惧。

If you threaten me or use any force, I shall inform the police.如果你威胁我或动粗, 我就报警。

to use sth for sth为了…使用…
to use sth for doing sth为了做某事使用…
to use sth as sth把…用作…

The show uses Zondo's trial and execution as its framework.这部戏以桑多的审判和被处决作为基本框架。

to use sth as an excuseorto use sth as a reason用…作为借口;用…作为原因
2.+ brain, imagination发挥;运用

He had simply used a little imagination.他只不过是用了一点点想象力。

3.(use up)消费;消耗;用光;用完

You've used all the ice cubes.你把所有的冰块都用完了。

They've never had anything spare, they've always used it all.他们从没有任何备用的东西——他们总是把什么都用得一干二净。

(take)+ drugs, heroin服用;吸

He denied he had used drugs.他否认自己吸过毒。

You'll find that most people that don't use heroin don't like people that do.你会发现绝大多数不吸海洛因的人都不喜欢吸食者。

5.(go to)+ toilet, bathroom用(礼貌说法)

Can I use your bathroom?我能用你的洗手间吗?

Wash your hands after using the toilet.便后要洗手。

He asked whether he could use my bathroom.他问是否可以用我的卫生间。

6.+ word, expression使用

The judge liked using the word 'wicked' of people he had sent to jail.这个法官喜欢使用“邪恶”一词来形容被他判罪入狱的人。

When Johnson talks about cuts, he uses words like ‘target price’ and 'efficiency payments'.约翰逊谈起降价时, 会使用“目标价位”和“效率支付”之类的字眼。

to use sth to do sth使用某事物来做某事
7.(go by)+ false name, alias, married name

I didn't want to use my married name.我不想用我的夫姓。

Now I use a false name if I'm meeting people for the first time.现在和初次见面的人交往时我会用假名。

8.<贬>(exploit)+ person, information利用

Be careful she's not just using you.当心她不只是在利用你。

Why do I have the feeling I'm being used again?为什么我感觉自己又被利用了?

9.(behave towards)对待
🄱 vi.
(take drugs)服用毒品(或药物);吸烟;喝酒
See alsoused to¹
2.could use sth<口>需要…
3.to use sb for your own ends为了自己的目的利用某人
4.to use your head仔细考虑
Phrasal Verbuse up




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