

单词 up to
释义 up to /ʌp tʊ/ prep.
1.(as far as)远至;直至

He was up to his knees in water.他站在及膝深的水里。

He counted up to fifty.他数到了50。

to go up to sb去某人身边
to come up to sb来到某人身边

She came up to me.她来到我身边。

up to 1990直至1990年

up to now直到现在

up to then直到那时

3.(as many as, as much as)多达
up to 20,000 students多达两万名学生

up to three hours长达三小时

4.(dependent on)取决于;由…决定;由…负责
(your choice)由你决定

We could go now or later – it's up to you.我们可以现在走, 也可以晚点再走——由你做主。

(it's your responsibility)是你的责任

It was up to him to make it right.他有责任纠正这件事。

5.(equal to)胜任;能做;足以应付
(capable of)+ job, task胜任…

He's not up to it.他不能胜任这个工作。

(well enough)觉得能做某事;觉得身体状况足以做某事

It's not up to your normal standard.它没达到你的正常标准。

It's not up to much.这东西不怎么样。

7.<非正式>(engaged on)策划;密谋;从事;忙于

What is he up to?他在忙什么呢?

He's up to something.他在谋划着什么。

to be up to no good做坏事;图谋不轨
8.(aware of)意识到;能看透;能识破




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