

单词 upbeat
释义 upbeat¹ /ˈʌpˌbiːt/ n.
1.【音】(unaccented beat)弱拍;上拍
See alsodownbeat²
2.【音】+of conductor's baton(乐队指挥的指挥棒)向上挥舞(表示弱拍或上拍)
3.+of prosperity上升势头
upbeat² /ˈʌpˌbiːt/ adj.
<非正式>(optimistic)+ person, mood, note乐观的;快乐的;生气勃勃的

The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.国防部长对目前的战事给予了乐观的评价。

Neil's colleagues say he was actually in a joking, upbeat mood.内尔的同事们说他当时实际上在说笑逗乐, 心情不错。

to be upbeat about sth对某事物很乐观

Scientists remain upbeat about the information that will be gathered.科学家对即将收集到的信息仍持乐观态度。





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