

单词 untreated
释义 untreated /ʌnˈtriːtɪd/ adj.
1.+ illness未经治疗的;+ injury未作处理的

the consequences of untreated tuberculosis结核病得不到治疗的后果

untreated syphilis未得到治疗的梅毒

+ illness没有得到治疗;+ injury没有得到处理

If left untreated the condition may become chronic.如果不加治疗, 病情可能变成慢性的。

If the injury had been left untreated for another four weeks, the damage would have been irreparable.如果伤口再过四周不处理, 损伤就会无法恢复了。

2.+ sewage, water, waste未处理的;有害的

the dumping of nuclear waste and untreated sewage核废料和未经处理的污水的排放

3.+ wood, cotton, fibres天然的;未加工的

All the bedding is made of simple untreated cotton.所有床上用品全部用天然棉布制成。

In its untreated state the carbon fibre material is rather like cloth.碳纤维材料在天然状态下更像布料。

Untreated timber rots much faster when it gets wet.未经防腐处理的木材在受潮时腐烂得更快。





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