

单词 unsettled
释义 unsettled /ʌnˈsetəld/ adj.
1.(restless)+ person心神不宁的;坐立不安的

\\I felt pretty unsettled all that week.那个礼拜我一直觉得惴惴不安。

A lot of people wake up every day with a sense of being unsettled and disturbed.很多人每天醒来都感到无法集中注意力、心烦意乱。

To tell the truth, I'm a bit unsettled tonight.说实话, 我今晚有点心神不宁。

2.(uncertain)+ situation, times不稳定的;不确定的;不安定的;动荡不安的;+ market多变的

I believe that if you have an unsettled situation you should try to resolve it quickly.我认为, 如果遇到了不确定的情况, 应该尽量迅速解决。

Britain's unsettled political scene英国动荡不安的政治局面

The junk market has been unsettled for the past seven months.过去的7个月里, 废旧货市场行情一直起伏不定。

3.(unresolved)+ argument, issue未解决的;悬而未决的

They were in the process of resolving all the unsettled issues.他们正在着手解决所有悬而未决的问题。

Can one even talk of stability in the Middle East as long as the conflict is still unsettled?冲突尚未解决, 又何谈地区稳定呢?

to remain unsettled尚未解决;悬而未决
4.(uninhabited)+ area, region荒无人烟的;无人居住的

Until very recently Texas was an unsettled frontier.就在不久之前, 得克萨斯州还是一个荒无人烟的边远地区。

5.(unpredictable)+ weather不可预测的;变幻莫测的

Despite the unsettled weather, we had a marvellous weekend.尽管天气时好时坏, 我们仍然度过了一个美好的周末。

6.(constantly changing)不断变化的;居无定所的
7.(not disposed of)(债务)未清偿的;(法律案件)未解决的, 未处理的




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