

单词 unrecognized
释义 unrecognized /ʌnˈrekəɡˌnaɪzd/ adj.
1.+ person未被认出的
(without being recognized)做某事未被认出来

He is believed to have worked unrecognised as a doorman at East End clubs.据信他在伦敦东区的夜总会当过看门人而没被认出来。

I actually knew her, but in overalls I passed unrecognised.实际上我认识她, 但是我身着工作服, 没被认出来。

2.(unnoticed)+ problem, phenomenon, condition未意识到的;没有引起注意的

There must be many valuable objects sitting unrecognised in people's homes.人们的家里一定有很多虽然贵重却不起眼的东西。

Until comparatively recently, dyslexia remained largely unrecognised.诵读困难症一直没有引起太多的注意, 这种情形直到最近才有所改观。

problem, phenomenon, condition +未被觉察

There is the possibility that hypothermia can go unrecognised.人们有可能察觉不到体温过低。

3.(unacknowledged)+ talent, genius不被认可的;未被承认的

She became ill and died with her life's work unrecognised.她病逝了, 而她一生的工作却没有得到认可。

There really is a wealth of unrecognised talent out there.那里确实有很多怀才不遇的人。

talent, hard work +未被认可
4.【政】+ régime, government, party未被官方承认的;不合法的

Local authorities are unlikely to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations.地方政府不太可能向非官方的武术组织出租设备。





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