

单词 unfavourable
释义 unfavourableunfavourable <英> , unfavorable <美> /ʌnˈfeɪvərəbəl; -ˈfeɪvrə-/ adj.
1.(poor)+ conditions, circumstances, weather不利的;有害的;恶劣的;+ exchange rate不利的

unfavourable conditions for the development of British industry英国工业发展的不利条件

We've got a fairly unfavourable exchange rate at the moment.目前的汇率对我们相当不利。

Unfavourable weather has had damaging effects on this year's harvest.恶劣天气已经对今年的收成造成了破坏性的影响。

terms, conditions +对某人/某事物不利

She was forced to settle on terms grossly unfavourable to her.她被迫同意接受对她极其不利的条件。

These conditions are extremely unfavourable to women who seek long-term mates.这些条件对寻找长期伴侣的妇女极为不利。

The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.整个国际经济形势对南部国家非常不利。

an unfavourable impression负面的印象

This might perhaps create an unfavourable impression.这也许会造成不良印象。

2.(hostile)+ reaction, response, comment不喜欢的;不赞同的;反对的

First reactions have been distinctly unfavourable.第一反应明显是不赞成的。

A more unfavourable response was given today by the Prime Minister.首相今天作出的回应否定意味更强。

President Mubarak was particularly unfavourable to the idea.穆巴拉克总统尤其不赞同这一想法。

an unfavourable comparison使相形见绌的比较 

He makes unfavourable comparisons between British and French cooking.他在英式烹饪和法式烹饪之间作孰优孰劣的比较。

A younger child will benefit more from an older sister's help than from an unfavourable comparison between their progress.与一味地比较进步情况相比, 年纪较小的孩子会从姐姐的帮助中获益更多。





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