

单词 turn to
释义 turn to
🄰 vt. fus.
1.(for help, advice)to turn to sb/sth求助于…;向…求教

She was very frightened and didn't know where to turn.她非常害怕, 不知道该向谁求助。

There was no one to turn to.没有人可以求助。

2.(address yourself to)to turn to sb转身朝向(某人)

I turned to Jo and asked her what she thought.我转身对着乔, 问她是怎么想的。

3.(begin to consider)to turn to sth着手考虑…;开始讨论…

After discussing the annual report, the board turned to the problem of recruitment.讨论完年度报告, 董事会开始考虑人员招聘的问题。

We turn now to the sports news.我们现在开始播报体育新闻。

4.(in book, magazine)to turn to sth翻到(某一页)

Turn to page 15, please.请翻到第15页。

5.(take up)to turn to sth开始着手;开始使用

They are turning to recycling in large numbers.他们开始转向大规模的回收利用。

6.(become)to turn to sth变成…;变为…

The water had turned to ice overnight.一夜过后, 水结成了冰。

🄱 vt. sep.
1.(direct)to turn sth to sth
+ attention, thoughts把…转向…

We were already beginning to turn our minds to the next big issue.我们已经开始把注意力转向接下来的大事。

2.(cause to become)to turn sth/sb to sth把…变成…

The witch turned him to stone.女巫把他变成了石头。

🄲 vi.




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