单词 | turn |
释义 | turn¹ 1.(in series, game, queue)(依次获得的)机会, 轮次 It's my turn!轮到我了! It's your turn.该你了。 it's sb's turn to do sth轮到某人做某事 Whose turn is it to throw the dice?该谁掷骰子了? Tonight it's my turn to cook.今晚轮到我做饭。 to wait your turn等着轮到自己 to take a turnorto take your turn轮着做 Everyone should take a turn cleaning the toilets as that is the least pleasant job.大家应该轮流清洁马桶, 因为那可不是什么惬意的活儿。 Students are expected to take their turn leading the study group.学生应轮流做学习小组的组长。 2.(change in direction)转向;转弯;调转方向 a left/right turnora left-hand/right-hand turn左转弯/右转弯 You can't do a right-hand turn here.这里不可以右转弯。 to make a turn driver, vehicle +转弯;转向 Make a right turn after the lights.过了交通灯后向右转。 'No left turn'“禁止左转” 3.(bend in road)转弯处;转角;弯曲部位 There was a sharp turn in the road.路上有一个急转弯。 4.(rotation)+of wheel, handle转动;旋转 a turn to the left/right向左∕向右旋转 to give sth a turn + wheel, handle转动 Give the knob a half turn to the right.把门把手向右转半圈。 5.<尤美>=turning, 1 6.(change)改变;转变;变化;转折 the latest turn in the fighting战争的最新变化 His thoughts took a new turn.他的思想有了新的转变。 7.【教育】(20世纪60年代后现代主义在文化、语言等领域的)转向 the cultural/linguistic turn文化/语言学转向 8.the turn of the century (in time)世纪之交 He was born in Germany at the turn of the 20th century.他20世纪初生于德国。 the turn of the year新年伊始;岁末年初 The share price has risen 30 per cent since the turn of the year.新年过后股票价格已经上涨了30%。 9.<过时>(short walk or trip)溜达;走一圈 to take a turnorto go for a turn去溜达溜达;去兜一圈 They decided to take a turn in the park as the weather was fine.天气很不错, 他们决定到公园去溜达溜达。 10.(performance)(尤指音乐厅、卡巴莱夜总会等处的)简短表演, 小节目, 小品 to do a turn演一个小节目 11.<英,非正式>(feeling of illness)犯病;头昏眼花;不适感 a funny turn犯病;头昏眼花 12.<英,过时,非正式>(shock)吃惊;惊吓 to give sb a turn吓某人一跳 It gave me quite a turn.这让我大吃一惊。 13.【海】(act of winding)盘绕;卷绕 14.【音】回音 15.【股】(profit)(股票买卖的)差价, 获利 16.【股】(transaction)交易;买卖;换手 17.【军】(manoeuvre)(人员或船只的)改变前进方向 18.【板】(球反弹后的)变向, 变线 19.the turn【高尔夫】(高尔夫球打完9洞后的)半程点 20.<澳,新西兰>(party)聚会;小聚 idiom turn² ◆at every turn总是;次次;处处 Events seemed to be conspiring to frustrate us at every turn.事情似乎商量好了似的, 处处与我们作对。 At every turn smoke and flame stopped efforts to get into the building.到处是烟雾和火焰, 根本无法进入大楼。 ◆by turns轮流;交替 His tone was by turns angry and aggrieved.他的语气时而愤慨, 时而沉痛。 ◆to do sb a good turn帮某人的忙 He did you a good turn by resigning.他辞职可帮了你的忙。 ◆in turn (one after the other)依次;逐个 Each in turn stood up and said a few words.每个人依次站起身来说几句话。 The women spoke in turn.妇女们依次发言。 (subsequently)因而;继而 He, in turn, told the press.他转而告诉了新闻界。 ◆on the turn<英,非正式>(about to change)即将发生变化 The weather is on the turn. I expect it'll rain before nightfall.要变天了。我估计天黑前会下雨。 (going rancid)即将变质 This milk is on the turn. I wouldn't use it if I were you.这牛奶快变质了。如果我是你, 我就不会用。 ◆one good turn deserves another要知恩图报;应礼尚往来 They helped us out before Christmas, and one good turn deserves another.他们在圣诞节前帮助我们摆脱了困境, 我们应该知恩图报。 ◆out of turn不按顺序地 John played his card out of turn.约翰不按顺序出牌。 ◆to serve sb's turn满足某人的要求;对某人有用 The disguise was simple enough, but it seemed to serve her turn.这个伪装极其简单, 但对她来说似乎已经够用了。 ◆to serve your turn对别人有用 Once these underlings had served their turn, the king discarded them.一旦这些无名小卒没有用了, 国王就会把他们一脚踢开。 ◆to speak out of turnorto talk out of turn说话冒失;(超越职权)说不该说的话 I hope I haven't spoken out of turn.我希望我这样说不会冒昧。 ◆to take it in turns<英>to take turns轮流;依次;交替 If you take it in turns, then everyone gets a chance.如果你让轮流进行, 那么每个人都会得到一次机会。 We took turns to drive the car.我们轮流开车。 ◆to take a turn for the better突然好转 Everyone expects that, come the spring, economic prospects will take a turn for the better.人人都期待, 随着春天到来, 经济会向好的方向发展。 ◆to take a turn for the worse突然恶化;突然变糟 Her condition took a sharp turn for the worse.她病情突然恶化。 ◆to a turn【烹】正好;恰到好处 done to a turn烹调得恰到火候 The meat was just done to a turn and absolutely melted in the mouth.肉做得恰到火候, 入口即化。 ◆turn and turn about一个接一个;交替地;轮番 ◆turn of events形势逆转;出乎意料的变化 They were horrified at this unexpected turn of events.突如其来的形势逆转令他们惊骇万分。 ◆turn of mind思维方式;性情 She was of a rational turn of mind.她是个很理性的人。 ◆turn of phrase (way of using language)表达方式 The author has a very seductive turn of phrase.作者的表达方式极具吸引力。 (expression)措辞;口吻 Matthew apologized for his ill-chosen turn of phrase.马修为他的不当措辞道了歉。 ◆turn of speed<英>速度;脚力 a smart but capable boat with a good turn of speed and comfortable accommodation一条外观漂亮、性能也不错的小船, 速度很快, 船上空间舒适度也不错 🄰 vt. 1.(change position of)+ face, head转动;扭动 He turned his head left and right.他左右转动头部。 2.(change direction of)使转向;使倒转;掉转…的方向 She turned the chair to face the door.她把椅子转向门口。 to turn sth upside down将…上下颠倒;把…倒置 Place a plate on top and turn the bowl upside down.在上面放一个盘子, 然后把碗倒过来。 to turn sth inside out把…的内部翻出来 I turned my jacket inside out.我把上衣的里面翻了出来。 3.(cause to rotate)+ wheel使旋转 The engine turns the propeller.发动机使螺旋桨旋转起来。 4.(cause to operate)+ handle, knob, key转;拧动;旋动 He turned the handle and pushed open the door.他转了一下把手, 把门推开了。 Turn the heat to very low and cook for 20 minutes.把火拧到很小, 煮20分钟。 5.to turn a corner (go round)拐弯;转弯 And suddenly, as I turned the corner, I saw her.我转弯时突然看到了她。 6.(invert)+ steak, mattress把…翻过来;翻转 I turned the pancake so that it would cook on the other side.我把烙饼翻过来, 好烤另一面。 7.+ page翻;翻动 He turned the pages of a file in front of him.他一页一页地翻着他面前的文件。 8.(cause to change direction)+ vehicle, boat使改变方向 I turned the car into our street and drove into our garage.我把车拐进我们那条街道, 然后开进自家车库。 9.(direct)+ gun, hose, searchlight把…指向;+ feeling把…转向 He turned the gun on me.他把枪口对准我。 The crowd then turned their anger on the speaker.人群于是把怒火都宣泄到发言人身上。 10.(perform)做…翻转动作 to turn a cartwheel做侧手翻 to turn somersaults翻跟斗 11.(in colour)使变色 to turn sth black/white/green etc使某物变黑/变白/变绿等 The contact lenses turned her eyes green.这副隐形眼镜让她的眼睛看上去是绿色的。 12.(change the outcome of)+ battle, game, match改变…的结局 The admiral's indecision turned the battle.舰队司令的犹豫不决改变了战局。 13.(shape)+ wood, metal(用车床)车, 车削 14.(make sour)+ milk使变质;使变酸 15.(tip out)倒;倾倒 She turned the fruit into a basin.她把水果倒进盆里。 16.【军】(pass around)绕过;迂回;包抄 He hoped by this manoeuvre to turn the enemy's flank.他希望通过这一部署包抄敌人的侧翼。 17.(change the loyalties of)+ agent, spy使叛变;使变节 He had succeeded in turning a minor official in the embassy.他成功策反了大使馆的一名低级别官员。 18.+ soil翻 19.(blunt)使变钝 Something in the wood had turned the edge of my chisel.木头里有什么东西已经把我的凿子弄钝了。 20.(give a graceful form to)优美地表达 to turn a phrase(写作中)措辞 He knew how to turn a phrase, and he knew how to tell a story.他知道如何措辞, 也知道讲故事的技巧。 21.【缝】(reverse)+ collar, cuff把…正反面颠倒 22.to turn a profit【商】(produce)赚取利润 He says the fares are just too low to turn profits.他说票价就是太低, 赚不了钱。 23.【板】使(球)旋转 🄱 vi. 1.(face in a different direction)转身 He turned abruptly and walked away.他突然转身走开了。 I turned to speak to her.我转过身去和她说话。 2.(rotate)转动;旋转 The cog wheels started to turn.齿轮开始转动起来。 3.key, handle +转动;旋动;拧动 I tried the doorknob and it turned.我试了试门把手, 结果它转动了。 4.(change direction)person, vehicle, road +转弯;拐弯 I turned into our drive and pulled up.我把车拐进自家车道并停了下来。 to turn right/leftorto turn to the right/left向右/向左转 Turn right at the lights.在红绿灯处右转弯。 5.road, river +转弯 The river turns sharply to the east.这条河的水流向东陡转。 6.(reverse direction)(潮水)涨, 落 the tide is turning (coming in)潮水在上涨 (going out)潮水在退去 7.(become)变得, 变为, 变成(表示性质的变化) an MP turned diplomat一名议员出身的外交官 to turn professional【体】转向职业化 8.(talking about colours)变为, 变成(某种颜色) to turn red + sky, object变成红色 (blush)脸红了 to turn grey person +头发变花白;hair +变花白 to turn blue变蓝;发青 9.(talking about weather)(天气)变化, 转变 it's turned cold天变冷了 The weather had turned warm.天气转暖了。 10.(in age, time)(年龄、时间)达到, 满, 过 It's just turned midnight.现在刚过午夜。 He's just turned forty.他刚满40岁。 11.(go sour)milk +变质;变酸 12.(change colour)leaves +变色 13.game, contest +出现转机;发生逆转 The game turned in the 56th minute.比赛进行到第56分钟时出现了转机。 14.(feel giddy)头晕;眩晕 My head was turning.我感觉头晕。 15.(become blunted)edge +变钝 16.【板】(球)旋转 17.【商】<美>买卖;交易;转手 Shirts are turning well this week.这个星期衬衫很好卖。 idiom ◆to turn your hand to sthSeehand¹ ◆to turn sb's headSeehead¹ ◆to turn sth inside outorto turn sth upside down (search thoroughly)彻底搜查…;把…翻个底朝天 They hadn't found a scrap of evidence though they had turned his flat inside out.尽管他们把他的公寓翻了个底朝天, 却一丝证据都没发现。 (change completely)彻底改变;完全搅乱 His world had been turned upside down.他的世界完全被打乱了。 ◆to turn sth on its headSeehead¹ ◆to turn sb's stomach使某人恶心;使某人反胃 The sight of the dead body turned his stomach.看到那具死尸, 他感到恶心。 ◆to turn the tables on sbSeetable¹ ◆to turn tail转身逃跑;临阵脱逃 They believed the guerrillas to be an undisciplined rabble that would turn tail when they came up against regular forces.他们认为游击队都是缺乏训练的乌合之众, 一旦遇到正规部队就会抱头鼠窜。 ◆to turn the tide改变局面;扭转局势 This victory seems to have turned the tide of the war.这场胜利似乎已经扭转了战局。 Phrasal Verbsturn about,turn against,turn around,turn aside,turn away,turn away from,turn back,turn down,turn in,turn in on,turn into,turn off,turn on,turn out,turn over,turn over to,turn round,turn to,turn up |
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