

单词 train
释义 train¹ /treɪn/ n.
by train乘火车
to catch the train赶火车
2.<英>(series)一连串;一系列;+of thought思路
a train of events一连串事件
to lose your train of thought断了思路
3.+of people, vehicles队伍;队列;行列

In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels.在过去, 这往往由一队驮载行李的骆驼完成。

4.【机】+of gears系;组
5.【军-火炮学】+of gunpowder导火线
6.+of dress拖摆;拖裾;裙裾
7.(body of followers or attendants)随行人员;随从
8.(proper order)顺序;秩序
9.to bring sth in its train(自然而然或顺理成章地)带来…, 导致…

The cars have brought in their train a host of other problems.汽车随之带来其他一大堆问题。

10.in train<尤英>在进行中;即将开始
to set sth in train把某事安排妥当;使某事准备就绪

He praised the reforms set in train by the government.他称赞了政府进行的改革。

train² /treɪn/ comp.
+ crew, driver列车的;火车的;在火车上工作的;+ depot, station, journey, ticket, travel火车的;乘火车的;+ line, network火车的;+ timetable列车的
train carriage火车车厢
train³ /treɪn/
🄰 vt.
1.+ apprentice, doctor, employee培训;训练;+ troops, police训练;操练

The US was ready to train its troops to participate.美国准备训练军队参加。

apprentice, doctor, employee +受到培训做某事;police, troops +接受训练做某事

The police are trained to keep calm.警察受训在遇事时保持冷静。

to train sb in sth在某方面训练某人

We can train you in basic computer skills.我们可以对你进行培训, 使你具备基本的计算机技能。

2.+ plant, vine修剪;修整;使…朝特定方向生长

The vines were trained along wires slung between tall poles.藤蔓经修剪后沿着悬在两根高杆子间的铁丝攀缘生长。

to train sth up sthorto train sth to grow up sth使…沿着…向上生长

You could put a trellis on your wall and train plants to grow up it.你可以在墙上搭个棚架, 让植物沿着它往上长。

3.+ sportsman(为备战体育赛事)训练

They were trained to a peak of physical fitness.他们的体能已经被训练到最佳状态。

4.+ dog训练;驯服;+ memory, mind训练;锻炼

They offer a general education which will train the mind.他们提供能够锻炼思维能力的通识教育。

to train an animal to do sth训练动物做某事
5.(point)+ gun, camera, hose瞄准;对准
to train sth on sth/sb用某物瞄准(或对准)某物/某人

One gun was trained on Jo.一把枪瞄准了乔。

🄱 vi.
1.(for profession)接受训练;接受教育;接受培训
to train as a nurse/teacher/doctor接受护士/教师/医生培训
to train to do sth接受训练做某事
2.(for sport)训练;进行体育锻炼
to train for a race为参加赛跑进行训练
Phrasal Verbtrain up




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