

单词 betray
释义 betray /bɪˈtreɪ/ vt.
1.(be traitor to)+ friend, country背叛

His best friend betrayed him.他最好的朋友背叛了他。

How could you betray me like that?你怎么能那样背叛我?

Ninety per cent of spies betray their countries for money.有九成间谍为了金钱背叛自己的祖国。

2.(expose, hand over)供出;出卖

They offered me money if I would betray my associates.他们提出只要我供出同伴就会给我钱。

Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus.加略人犹大出卖了耶稣。

3.(disclose)+ secret, plan透露;泄露

The group were informers, and they betrayed the plan to the Germans.这帮人是告密者, 他们把计划泄露给了德国人。

4.(by breaking a promise)+ person失信于;+ confidence, trust辜负

The President betrayed them when he went back on his promise not to raise taxes.总统因未能履行不增税的承诺而失信于他们。

You have betrayed my trust by passing on that information.你把这个消息传给了他们, 辜负了我对你的信任。

I will not betray his confidence.我不会辜负他的信任。

5.+ ideal违背;背弃

We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment.如果我们支持死刑, 那就背弃了我们国家的理想。

6.(reveal)+ emotion流露出;显露出

Jeremy's voice betrayed little emotion.杰里米的声音几乎不带任何情绪。

She studied his face, but it betrayed nothing.她审视着他的脸, 但他却丝毫不露声色。

His face betrayed his anger.他的表情暴露出他的怒火。

expression, voice +暴露出某人的真实感情

He nodded his head instead of saying anything where his voice might betray him.他点了点头, 没有吭声, 这样他的真实感情就不会被他的声音所暴露。

to betray yourself露出本性;暴露意图

Annie felt her face whiten and knew she had betrayed herself.安妮感觉到自己的脸颊变白, 她知道她暴露了自己的真实想法。

7.(be unfaithful to)+ wife, husband, partner对…不忠;背叛

He betrayed his wife by secretly having a child by another woman.他偷偷和另一个女人生了个孩子, 背叛了他的妻子。

8.<文>(seduce)+ woman对…始乱终弃




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