

单词 to work your way somewhere
16.to work out your notice干满任期;干到合同期满

There was an interim before her successor actually came because she had to work out her notice.她的继任者真正来之前有一段过渡期, 因为她得工作到合同期满。

17.sth works itself out
(reach a conclusion)圆满结束

People involved in it think it's a nightmare, but I'm sure it will work itself out.参与其中的人认为这简直就是噩梦, 但是我确信事情会圆满结束。

18.to work your way somewhere
(get physically closer)艰难地向某地前进

Rescuers were still working their way towards the trapped men.营救人员仍在艰难地向被困人员受困地点进发。

19.to work your way to the top
(in job)由底层员工做起干到高层

He started as an office boy and worked his way to the top.他由一个办公室打杂的做起, 一直做到高层。

20.to work your way up
(in job)由底层员工做起一步步升迁

Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up.许多人事部经理都是由秘书或人事助理做起, 再一步步升上去的。

See work




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