

单词 to work among sb
1.(have a job)工作;从业;就职

She works in a shop.她在商店工作。

Where do you work?你在哪里工作?

He doesn't work any more.他不再工作了。

2.(perform job or task)工作;劳动;干活儿

They are expected to work twelve hours a day.他们按要求每天工作12小时。

He was working at his desk.他正在书桌前用功。

I can't talk to you right now – I'm working.这会儿我不能跟你说话——我在干活儿。

3.to work with sb or to work among sb
(try to help)协助某人;帮助某人

He knew then that he wanted to work among the poor.他那时明白了自己想帮助穷人。

4.(function)machine, equipment +(尤指正确或有效地)运转, 运行, 工作;mind, brain +转动;开动

The traffic lights weren't working.红绿灯没有亮。

How does the gun work?这枪怎么用?

The heating isn't working.暖气没开。

Is the telephone working today?电话今天能用吗?

My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.我的大脑疯狂运转, 把那晚发生的事情飞快地过了一遍。

5.(be successful)plan, idea, method, scheme +奏效;起作用;relationship +令人满意;design, colours, writing, film +成功

95% of these diets do not work.这些节食方法95%都不起作用。

A methodical approach works best.系统性的方法最有效。

My plan worked perfectly.我的计划非常奏效。

I shouldn't have come, I knew it wouldn't work.我本不该来, 我知道这没用。

I don't think those colours really work in here.我认为那些颜色用在这里不合适。

factor, age +对…产生有利影响;对…起积极作用
6.(take effect)medicine, drug +起作用;产生疗效

How long does a sleeping pill take to work?安眠药多长时间开始起效?

7.to work loose
(gradually move)screw +(螺丝)松脱;pin, knot +(闩销、绳结等)松动
8.(move)muscles, face, mouth +抽动;颤动

Her mouth was working in her sleep.她睡着的时候嘴巴还在动。

9.to work in sth or to work with sth
artist, craftsman ++ oils, watercolours(艺术家、手艺人等)使用(油彩、水彩等)创制;+ wood, clay(雕刻师等)使用(木头、泥巴等)制作
10.mechanism +(机械部件)松动, 松脱
See work




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