

单词 totter
释义 totter¹ /ˈtɒtə/ vi.
1.(walk unsteadily)person +踉跄;蹒跚;跌跌撞撞

She was tottering slightly on stiletto heels.她穿着细高跟鞋, 走起路来有点不稳。

Thelma tottered from the stage in search of the gin bottle.特尔玛踉踉跄跄地从台子上下来找杜松子酒瓶。

He tottered to the fridge, got a beer and slumped at the table.他跌跌撞撞地走到冰箱前, 拿出一瓶啤酒, 然后一屁股坐在桌子旁。

2.building, structure +摇摇欲坠;摇摇晃晃

During the earthquake the building tottered and shook.地震时这座建筑物发生了摇晃。

3.(be on the point of collapse)government, market +行将瓦解;濒临崩溃;摇摇欲坠

The property market is tottering.房地产市场摇摇欲坠。

to totter on the brink of sth徘徊于…的边缘

Mussolini's government was tottering on the brink of collapse.墨索里尼政府当时正处于崩溃的边缘。

a state tottering on the brink of bankruptcy濒临破产的国家

totter² /ˈtɒtə/ n.
1.(unsteady walk)+of person蹒跚;踉跄
2.+of building, structure摇晃;震颤




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