

单词 to the core
1.(of fruit)果心
2.(central part)核心;精髓

the core of Boston between Beacon Hill and the waterfront在比肯山和海滨之间的波士顿中心区域

the core of industry's problems in the Third World第三世界国家工业问题的核心

The film has an ecological message at its core.这部影片的核心传达了一种生态观念。

3.(of earth, planet)

The planet probably has a molten core.此行星的核心可能是熔岩。

4.【电】(of magnet, transformer)线芯
5.(of nuclear reactor)堆芯
6.(rock or soil sample)钻芯样品
7.【冶】(inside mould)型芯;芯子
8.【木工】(backing for veneer)芯板
9.(in computer memory)磁心(旧时用于计算机存储器)
10.【考古】(of flint)石核
11.【物】(of atom)原子实
12.to the core

The villagers are royalist to the core.那些村民是彻头彻尾的保皇主义者。


Leonard was shaken to the core; he'd never seen or read anything like it.伦纳德被吓坏了;他还从未见过或读过类似的东西。

See core




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