

单词 to tell sb's fortune
1.(personal wealth)财产;财富;(尤指)大量财产
(large amount of money)大笔的钱

He made his fortune in car sales.他卖汽车发了财。

His personal fortune totalled £7 million.他的私人财产总计达700万英镑。

We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune.我们不得不总是在外面吃饭, 结果花了不少钱。

2.(chance, fate)运气;时运

He is certainly being smiled on by fortune.他无疑在走红运。

(occurrence of luck)命运;际遇

The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.公司必须采取措施来转变其下滑的运势。

4.(destiny; of person)命运;天数
5.a small fortune
(large sum of money)一大笔钱

an actor who is paid a small fortune to reveal very little一位拿了一大笔封口费的演员

6.to tell sb's fortune
(tell sb's future)给某人算命

She refused to have her fortune told.她不让人给她算命。

See fortune




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