

单词 toss back
释义 toss back vt. sep.
1.<非正式>(drink quickly)
+ drink, shot一口喝下;灌下

Johnson tossed back the rest of his Scotch, and headed to the bar.约翰逊把剩下的苏格兰威士忌一饮而尽, 朝酒吧走去。

2.(throw back)to toss sth back or to toss back sth
+ ball, object将…扔还;把…扔回去

A fan caught the ball and tossed it back.一位球迷将球接住并扔了回去。

3.(move quickly)to toss sth back or to toss back sth
+ head, hair把…向后一甩

She tossed her hair back with a jerk of her head.她头猛地一摇把头发向后一甩。

He laughed, tossing back his head.他笑了, 把头向后一甩。





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