

单词 toss
释义 toss¹ /tɒs/
🄰 vt.
1.(throw)+ ball, object扔;抛;投
to toss sth into sth把…扔进…

He took the bag and tossed it into some nearby bushes.他拿了包, 丢进附近的灌木丛里。

to toss sb sth把某物扔给某人

He tossed Malone a can of beer.他扔给马隆一罐啤酒。

2.(throw about)+ plane, boat使颠簸;使摇晃

The turbulent sea tossed the small boat like a cork.汹涌的海浪将小船像软木塞一样抛来抛去。

3.person ++ head, hair把…向后一甩

'OK,' she said, tossing her head.“好吧。”她把头向后一甩说道。

4.animal, horse ++ head, mane向后甩动

The horses tossed their manes.那些马匹甩动着鬃毛。

The horses whinnied and tossed their heads.那些马一边嘶叫一边甩着头。

5.【烹】+ salad, noodles, pasta(在液体中)轻轻搅拌

Do not toss the salad until you're ready to serve.沙拉上桌前不要搅拌。

Chinese noodles tossed in sesame oil中式香油拌面

Toss the pasta with the tomato sauce.用番茄酱拌意大利面。

6.【烹】+ pancake把…抛起翻面

The secret of tossing pancakes lies in a flick of the wrist.把薄煎饼抛起来翻面的秘密在于手腕的抖动。

7.+ idea, plan抛出…供讨论

They were tossing ideas back and forth.他们在反复交流观点和看法。

8.(throw)horse, camel ++ rider掀掉;把…摔在地上

As soon as the rider mounted the camel he was tossed to the ground.骑手刚刚骑上骆驼就被摔到了地上。

9.(throw into air)bull +顶起;挑起;抛起

The bull tossed the matador.公牛把斗牛士抛向空中。

10.(in order to decide)+ person与…抛硬币

I'll toss you for it.我要和你抛硬币决定这件事。

11.+ coin

We tossed a coin to decide who would go out to buy the cakes.我们抛硬币决定谁出去买蛋糕。

🄱 vi.
1.(toss a coin)抛硬币
to toss for sth抛硬币决定某事

Shall we toss for it?我们来抛硬币决定这件事好吗?

2.(be thrown about)plane, boat +颠簸;摇晃

The small boat tossed wildly on the high waves.小船在大浪中剧烈摇晃。

3.(move away)(怒气冲冲地)转身离开;(不耐烦地)扭头走开

She tossed angrily out of the room.她怒气冲冲地扭头走出房间。

to toss and turn(在床上)辗转反侧, 翻来覆去

I've been tossing and turning all night.我一晚上辗转反侧, 无法入睡。

Phrasal Verbstoss about,toss around,toss aside,toss away,toss back,toss off,toss out,toss over,toss up
toss² /tɒs/ n.
1.(abrupt movement)+of head甩动;猛抬
with a toss of your head头一甩

With a toss of her head she left the room.她扭头离开了房间。

2.+of coin抛硬币;掷硬币
to win the toss【体】掷硬币猜对

The home team won the toss.主队掷硬币猜对了。

to lose the toss【体】掷硬币猜错
to decide sth by the toss of a coinorto decide sth on the toss of a coin通过掷硬币决定某事

The venue will be decided by the toss of a coin.地点将通过掷硬币来决定。

3.+of boat颠簸;摇摆

I was wakened by the toss and turn of the boat.我被船身的颠簸摇晃弄醒了。

4.(throw)+of dice, small object扔;掷;投
a toss of the dice掷骰子
5.【田径】(throw)+of shot投掷

He finished last in the men's shot put with a toss of 19.38 metres.他在男子铅球比赛中投出了19.38米的成绩, 排在最后一名。

6.(fall; from horse or animal)(从马等动物背上的)摔下, 摔落
to argue the toss<英>(为不重要的事)纠缠不休

They were still arguing the toss about the first goal.他们还在为第一个进球纠缠不休。

They spend so much time arguing the toss over inconsequential matters.他们花了这么多时间为一些鸡毛蒜皮的事情争论不休。

to give a toss<英,非正式>关心;介意;在乎

I don't give a toss what people think.我才不在乎人们怎么想。





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