

单词 to split people into sth
1.(break, tear)+ wood, rock劈开;+ atom使裂变;+ fabric, garment撕开;撕裂

He split the wood with an axe.他用斧子劈开木头。

He had split his trousers.他把他的裤子撕裂了。

a smile split their face from ear to ear笑得合不拢嘴

jagged forks of lightning split the sky锯齿状的闪电划破了天空

2.(divide into conflicting groups)+ group, party使分裂

The argument over Europe has split the government.关于欧洲的争论已导致政府分裂。

The war split the country down the middle.战争使这个国家一分为二。

4.(share)+ work分担;+ profits, money分享;平分

They decided to split the profits.他们决定平分利润。

Split the money between you.你们把钱分了吧。

He split a bottle of wonderful claret with her.他和她分享了一瓶很棒的波尔多红酒。

5.to split people/things into sth
(divide into)把人/物分成…

The children were split into two groups.孩子们被分为两组。

The plan was to split the estate into parcels.计划是把这份地产分成小块。

6.to split sth from sth
(separate from)把…与…分开

Whatever their views about religion they can split their science from their belief.无论持什么宗教观, 他们总能把科学和信仰区分开来。

See split




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