

单词 to sort out the men from the boys
26.my man or my dear man or my good man<英,过时>(friendly, superior)朋友;我的朋友;老弟

My dear man, you are welcome to stay.亲爱的朋友, 欢迎留下来。

It's not for you to say so, my man!这话还轮不到你来说, 老弟!

27.your own man

He became his own man, following his own personal course.他开始自己做主, 走自己的路。

Be your own man. Make up your own mind.你要做自己的主人, 自己为自己作决定。

He'll be his own man and won't be dictated to.他会变得独立自主, 不再听别人发号施令。

28.to sort out the men from the boys or to separate the men from the boys
(show who is experienced)从一群人中找出能干的人

This should sort out the men from the boys!这样应该就看出谁能干谁不能干了!

See man




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