

单词 to shut sb out of sth
1.(prevent from entering)to shut sb/sth out or to shut out sb/sth
+ person把…关在外面;阻止…进入

I'd forgotten my key and he shut me out.我忘记带钥匙, 他就把我关在了门外。

to shut sb out of sth把某人关在某处外;+ cold把…挡在门外;防止…进入

Close the door to shut out the cold.关上门, 别让寒气进来。

+ noise防止…进入;隔绝

He covered his ears to shut out the noise.他捂住耳朵, 想挡住噪音。

+ light遮挡
2.(exclude)to shut sb out or to shut out sb
+ person排斥;拒绝接纳

She had effectively shut him out by refusing to listen.她拒绝听他的话, 实际上把他排斥在外。

3.(restrict)to shut sth out or to shut out sth
+ view限制;挡住;围住

The tall trees shut out the view.高大的树木阻挡了视野。

4.(try not to think about)to shut sth out or to shut out sth
+ memory, thought, feeling努力不去想;试图不考虑

He shut out the thought.他努力不这样想。

See shut out




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