

单词 to set sb doing sth
1.(place, put)(小心翼翼地)安放, 安置

She set the vase carefully on the shelf.她把花瓶小心地安放在架子上。


They set the castle on the top of a rocky hill.他们把城堡建在一座遍布岩石的山顶。

3.(give as setting)+ film, play, book, action设置…的背景

She set her first novel in 1950s New York.她把第一部小说的背景设在20世纪50年代的纽约。

4.(causing a particular state)使处于…状态
5.to set sb/sth doing sth
(making something happen)使…开始做某事

What he said set me thinking.他的话让我深思。

Set the kitchen timer going.开启厨房定时器。

6.(adjust)+ device, temperature, volume设置;设定

I set the heating to come on in the morning.我把暖气定在早上打开。

Set the oven to 180 degrees.把烤箱设在180度。

I set the alarm for 7 o'clock.我把闹钟定在7点。

Set the volume as high as possible.把音量调得尽量大些。

7.(fix)+ date, time, target设定;确定

They haven't yet set a date for the wedding.他们尚未确定婚礼日期。

His job is to set targets for limiting greenhouse gases.他的工作是为限排温室气体设定目标。

8.to set a price on sth or to set a value on sth
(in money)为…定价
(in importance)确定…的价值
9.(establish)+ record创立;开创;创造

A new world record was set last year.去年创下了一项新的世界纪录。

10.to set sb sth
(assign)+ task, challenge, goal给某人定下…

Learn to set yourself realistic goals.要学会给自己设定切实可行的目标。

11.【教育】<英>+ exam, question paper出(题目);圈定…为考试内容

Which of Shakespeare's plays is set for A-level?莎士比亚的哪部剧是高级考试圈定的考试内容?

12.【教育】<英>+ assignment, homework布置(作业)

Did the teacher set any homework for you?老师给你布置家庭作业了吗?

13.(make fixed or rigid)+ face, jaw使呈现出固定的神情

His features were set in a scowl.他一脸怒气。

14.to set a trap

He seemed to think I was setting some sort of trap for him.他似乎认为我在给他设下某种圈套。

15.to set the table
(with plates, cutlery)摆放餐具;摆饭桌
16.【音】(provide music for)为…谱曲;给…编曲
17.【戏剧,电视】(with scenery and props)+ stage, studio为…设置布景

The stagehands were busy setting the stage for Act 2 scene 2.舞台工作人员正忙着为第二幕第二场布景。

18.(arrange)+ hair给(头发)定型

She had her hair set in a soft wave.她让人把她的头发烫成了大波浪。

19.【珠宝】+ jewel镶嵌

The ring is studded with 15 diamonds set in platinum.戒指上点缀着镶嵌在白金里的15颗钻石。

20.【印】+ type排;+ text为…排版
21.<英>(divide into sets)+ pupils(按年龄和能力)把…分成学习组
22.(cause to solidify)+ cement, glue, jam使凝结;使凝固

Is there anything you can add to set the concrete faster?你能不能添加点儿什么东西让混凝土凝固得更快些?

23.【医】(after an injury)+ bone, leg使复位
24.(give direction)使(船只等)朝特定方向

Their course was set to the east.他们的航向定为朝东。

25.【海】(rig)+ sail扬起

a brig with all its sails set一条所有风帆全部扬起的横帆双桅船

26.(sharpen)+ blade磨快
27.(displace teeth of)+ saw拨(锯齿)的锯路;调(锯齿)
28.【木工】(sink)+ nail(用冲钉器)将…钉入
29.【计】+ binary circuit使置位
30.【植】(produce)+ fruit, seeds

Plants set seed in order to perpetuate themselves.植物结种子以延续生命。

31.【农,园艺】(plant)+ seeds, seedlings插;栽种

Set seeds thinly two inches apart.间隔两英寸稀疏地下种。

32.to set a hen on eggs【农】(for incubation)使母鸡孵蛋
33.<爱尔兰,苏格兰>(let or lease)出租
See set




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