

单词 to pull sb from sth

Pull the handle to ring the bell.拉那个把手让铃响起来。

The dentist had pulled the wrong tooth.这位牙医拔错了牙。

I pulled a blanket around my shoulders.我拉出一条毯子披在肩上。

2.to pull sth/sb from sth or to pull sth/sb out of sth
(take out)把…从…拉出

Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket.杰克从衬衣口袋里拿出了纸条。

She was pulled from the rubble of the building.她被人从那栋楼的废墟里拉了出来。

3.(draw along)+ cart, carriage牵引;拉动

He pulls a rickshaw.他拉人力车。

The van was pulling a heavy trailer.那辆厢式货车拉着一辆重载拖车。


He pulled himself slowly to his feet.他慢慢挣扎着站起身来。

She tried to pull her hand free.她想把自己的手挣脱开。

5.(draw)+ gun, knife掏出;抽出;拔出
6.(close)+ curtain, blind拉上

The nurse pulled a curtain around my bed.护士拉上了我的床位四周的帘子。

7.(bring in)+ visitors, audience吸引;招徕
<尤美>+ voters拉拢
8.(strain)+ muscle, tendon拉伤

He appeared to pull a hamstring and had to limp off.他好像拉伤了腿筋, 只好一瘸一拐地下了场。

9.(influence strongly)吸引;影响

She sometimes felt pulled in too many directions.她有时觉得自己受到过多外界因素左右。

See pull




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