

单词 to only have to do sth
1.(exclusively)(表示比较而言唯一真实、恰当或必要的情况)只, 只有, 仅

The video is to be used for teaching purposes only.此视频仅用于教学目的。

He read only paperbacks.他只读平装书。

I'm only interested in finding out the facts.我只对查明事实感兴趣。

2.(indicating a stipulation)(引出发生的必要条件)只有…(才)

The lawyer is paid only if he wins.这个律师只有打赢官司才能拿到律师费。

3.(merely; in verb clauses)(表示不再有趣、重要或困难等, 尤用于想要纠正错误观点时)只不过, 仅…而已

'I'm only a sergeant,' said Clements.“我只是一个中士。”克莱门茨说。

We only want to stay for one night.我们只是想待一个晚上。

I was only joking.我只是开个玩笑。

4.(indicating a small amount)(强调数量少或时间短)才, 仅仅

How much was it?—Only 10 euros.这个花了多少钱?——才10欧元。

I only took one.我只拿了一个。

It will only take a minute.只需要1分钟的时间。

5.(indicating a part rather than a whole)(强调并非全部, 只是一小部分)只, 仅仅

These are only some of the possibilities.这些仅仅是其中几种可能。

6.(after 'can' or 'could')(用于 can 或 could 之后, 强调除此以外别无可为)只(能)

The police can only guess at the scale of the problem.警方只能猜测问题的严重性。

7.(indicating recent time)刚才;刚刚

I saw her only last week.我上周刚刚见过她。

8.(emphasizing what is right or normal)(强调行动或行为恰当)完全, 真正
9.(indicating something undesirable)(用于动词前, 表示结果令人遗憾、不尽如人意)愈加, 只会

The embargo would only hurt innocent civilians.禁运只会殃及无辜的百姓。


She was only marvellous.她非常了不起。

It was only dreadful.这太可怕了。

11.to have only to do sth or to only have to do sth
(in order to achieve something)(强调容易)只要做…即可
(in order to realize something)(强调显而易见)只要做…就会(认识到)
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