

单词 to hit the ground running

My parents never hit me.我父母从来没有打过我。

I thought he might hit me.我以为他会打我。

2.(collide with)car ++ wall, obstacle撞击;碰撞到

The truck had hit a wall.卡车撞上了一面墙。

She hit her head when she fell.她跌倒时碰到了头。

3.(reach)+ target命中;击中

a missile that could hit its target with deadly accuracy能够极其精准地击中目标的导弹

The arrow hit the target.这支箭射中了目标。


She fell and hit her head on the kerb.她倒了下来, 头重重地撞到了路缘。

5.(cause movement)击打推进;击打移动
6.(in sport)击出…得分
7.(affect)problem, crisis +使受严重影响;对…造成不利影响

The industry has been hit by the recession.工业受到了经济衰退的影响。

The price rises will hit pensioners the hardest.价格上涨对领取退休金的人影响将最为严重。

The plan to charge motorists £75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard.每年向开车跑高速的人征收75英镑的方案将对我造成严重的影响。

8.(occur to)idea, answer, solution ++ person使突然意识到

Then the answer hit me.然后我突然就想到了答案。

It hit me that I had a choice.我突然意识到我是有选择的。


He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life.他承认已经到了他人生的最低谷。

Oil prices hit record levels yesterday.昨天石油价格达到了新高。

10.(come across)+ problem, snag遇到;遭遇

The project has hit a problem.这个项目遇到了问题。

14.(appear in)到达;在…出现
17.to be hard hit by sth
(badly affected)受到沉重打击

Consumers will be hard hit by the rise in prices.消费者将会受到价格上涨的严重影响。

18.to be hit by lightning
person, building +被闪电击中

The chances of getting hit by lightning are pretty low.被闪电击中的可能性非常低。

19.to hit the ground running
(take action)迅速开始;迅速采取行动

Employers want graduate recruits who can hit the ground running.雇主想要能够立刻入职的毕业生。

20.to hit the headlines/news/ front pages
story +成为头条新闻/新闻/头版新闻

The story hit the front pages of newspapers across America.这则报道在美国成了头条新闻。

She hit the news when she bit a reporter.她咬了记者, 上了新闻。

See hit




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