

单词 to have nothing on
11.better than nothing(有)比没有好, 比没有强

After all, 15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing.毕竟, 锻炼15分钟比不锻炼好。

12.for nothing

I got these CDs for nothing.我免费得到了这些光盘。

(for very little money)几乎不花钱地

The furniture was ancient; he'd obviously picked it up for nothing.这件家具很陈旧, 显然是他白捡来的。

(for no reason)无缘无故地;徒然;白白地

It is hard to believe that they died for nothing.很难相信他们就这样白白死去了。

13.sth has nothing to do with sth or sth is nothing to do with sth
(not be relevant)与…无关

But logic has nothing to do with love.但逻辑与爱情无关。

14.sth/sb has nothing to do with sb or sth/sb is nothing to do with sb
(not concern)与某人无关;某人对…不感兴趣

Your problems with Marianne have nothing to do with me.我对你和玛丽安娜之间的问题不感兴趣。

15.to have nothing on or to have got nothing on
(have no engagements)没有安排;没有事情

What about tomorrow afternoon? I've got nothing on then.明天下午怎么样?那时我没什么事。

(be naked)赤裸裸;一丝不挂

I can't go to the door; I've got nothing on.我不能去开门, 我什么都没穿。

16.to have got nothing on sb
(lack evidence)没有证据证明某人的确有罪

You've got nothing on me!你没有证据证明我的确有罪!

See nothing




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