

单词 to have a sth
1.to have sth/sb or to have got sth/sb

He has two cars.他有两辆车。

She's got her own business.她有自己的事。

2.to have sth/sb or to have got sth/sb
(as quality, characteristic)有…特征

She's got blue eyes.她长着蓝色的眼睛。

He has a quick temper.他性子很急。

I've got a coat just like this.我有一件大衣跟这件一模一样。

3.to have sth/sb or to have got sth/sb
(describing personal relationships)有(亲戚或朋友)

He has no close friends.他没有好朋友。

4.(eat, drink)吃;喝

We can have lunch at my place.我们可以在我那里吃午饭。

I'll have the duck please.劳驾, 我要吃鸭子。

5.(with parts of the body, clothes, etc)使处于…位置;使保持…状态

Mary had her eyes closed.玛丽把眼睛闭上了。

They had the curtains open.他们让窗帘开着。

He had his shirt buttoned.他让衬衫扣子系着。

While I was working, I had the radio on.工作时我开着收音机。

He had his hand on Maria's shoulder.他把手放在玛丽亚的肩上。

6.to have a sth
(describing someone's actions)(与表示动作的单数名词连用)
7.to have a sth
(when someone experiences something)有(某种经历)
8.to have sth/sb or to have got sth/sb
(indicating ability to do something)有(能力或权力)
9.(describing an effect or result)有(影响)
10.to have sth/sb or to have got sth/sb
(when something is available)拥有…;占有…
11.to have sth done
(cause to happen or be done)让别人做某事

I had your suit cleaned.我把你的西装送去洗了。

12.to have sth done
(when something happens to someone)发生(令人不快的事)

We had all our money stolen.我们的钱全被偷了。

The house had its roof blown off in the gale.屋顶让狂风给刮掉了。

13.to have sb do sth
(when someone is made to do something)劝说某人做某事;让某人做某事

If you happen to see him, have him call me.你要碰巧看到他, 让他给我打电话。

The play is not as good as some critics would have you believe.这出戏没有评论家说得那么好。

14.to have to do sth or to have got to do sth
(expressing obligation, necessity)不得不做某事;有必要做某事

You've got to tell him.你必须告诉他。

You have to be careful what you say.你说话要小心。

They didn't have to pay tax.他们不用交税。

I had to run quickly to escape him.我得赶快跑掉, 免得碰上他。

15.to have to be sth or to have got to be sth
(be certain, be true)(用于表示对某事确定无疑)

There has to be some kind of way out.肯定有解决的办法。

That guy's got to be English.那个家伙一定是英国人。

16.to have sb sth
(make someone feel)让某人有某种感觉

She had us in tears/in stitches.她让我们泪流满面/如坐针毡。

You had me really worried!你真让我担心!

He had us all convinced/fooled.他让我们所有人信服/都被耍了。

17.(there is)(代替there is 或 there are)有

You have no alternative.你别无选择。

18.to have sb by sth
(hold, grip)抓住(某人身体的某部分)

He had me by the throat.他掐住了我的脖子。

19.(receive)(从某人处)得到, 收到

You can have my ticket.我的票给你吧。

See have




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