

单词 to go to town
1.(small city)镇;城镇;市镇
2.(the town where you live or where you are talking about)镇;城镇

They're new in town.他们刚到镇上。

3.(central commercial area)(城镇的)商业区, 中心区

I walked around town.我在闹市区逛了逛。

I caught a bus into town.我赶上了一辆去市中心的公交车。

I had lunch in town.我在商业区吃的午饭。

the centre of town市中心

4.(urban areas in general)(与农村相对的)城市, 市区
5.(inhabitants of town)城镇居民

The town takes immense pride in recent achievements.全镇居民对近来取得的成就极为自豪。

6.<美>(township)镇区, 县区, 乡(比县小的行政单位)
7.to go to town
(do sth enthusiastically)满腔热情地做;大干一番

The papers got hold of it and went to town on it.报纸抓住这件事大做文章。

<澳,新西兰,非正式>(lose your temper)发脾气
See town




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