

单词 to give sth a once-over
1.to give sth the once-over or to give sth a once-over
(glance at)匆匆扫视(或打量)某物

She stood up and gave the floor the once-over.他站起来扫视了一下地板。

Jon gave the terrace another once-over. 'I see what you mean.'乔恩再次打量了一下那一排排屋, 说:“我明白你的意思。”


an engineer who'll give your boiler the once-over一位将对你的锅炉做一下检查的工程师

2.to give sb the once-over or to give sb a once-over

I gave myself a brief once-over in the mirror.我在镜子前匆匆审视了一下自己的形象。

Mom hugged me hard and then stepped back to giveme a once-over.妈妈用力拥抱我, 接着后退一步打量了我一下。

3.to get a once-over or to get the once-over
(be cleaned up)被打扫干净;被清理整齐

Houses can get the once-over for a £100 donation.100英镑的捐款就可以让人把房子打扫干净。

The toenails and cuticles get the once-over and feet are moisturized.脚趾甲和趾甲根部的表皮进行了修剪清洁, 脚部也做了保湿护理。

See once-over




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