

单词 to give sb a drubbing
1.(defeat)(尤指体育比赛中的)彻底失败, 惨败

They suffered a 5-0 drubbing.他们以5比0惨败。

The Government could face an electoral drubbing in an early election.在提前选举中现任政府可能会一败涂地。

2.(with stick)棒打

the film's critical drubbing and inadequate box-office receipts这部电影受到的强烈批评以及不佳的票房收入

4.to get a drubbing or to take a drubbing
(be defeated)遭遇溃败;遭遇惨败

We got a drubbing in the last two elections.我们在上两次选举中均惨败。

(be hit)遭到痛打;挨揍

They got a drubbing they will never forget.他们被狠揍了一顿, 这辈子都记忆深刻。

(be criticized)遭到严厉批评

It got a drubbing from local critics.它受到了当地评论家的严厉批评。

5.to give sb a drubbing

Neither of the top teams has given us a drubbing.这两支顶尖队伍都没能打败我们。

(with stick)棒打某人;痛打某人
6.to give sb a drubbing

the man to whom the paper had given such a drubbing那个受到报纸严厉批评的人

See drubbing




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