

单词 belly
释义 belly¹ /ˈbelɪ/ n.( 复bellies)
1.【解剖】(stomach)+of person
(in formal use)腹部;胃
(in informal use)肚子;+of animal腹部;肚子

She laid her hands on her swollen belly.她把双手放在肿胀的腹部。

She punched him in the belly.她用拳头猛击他的腹部。

2.(seat of gluttony)食欲, 胃口(尤指暴饮暴食的欲望)
3.(part that bulges)膨胀部分;凸起部分;鼓起部分
the belly of a sail船帆的鼓起部分
4.(inside)+of ship, aircraft中空的内部;舱

It would launch from the belly of a large aircraft.它将从一架大飞机的机舱发射出去。

5.(front or inner part)前部;内部;下部
the belly of the earth地球内部
6.【音】+of instrument(弦乐器的)面板;琴腹
7.【解剖】+of muscle肌腹
8.<澳,新西兰>(wool from belly)羊的腹毛
9.(skin from belly)动物的腹皮
10.【射箭】+of bow弓腹
12.to have fire in your belly斗志昂扬
belly² /ˈbelɪ/ vi.(bellies,bellying,bellied)
sail +鼓起;膨胀;涨满




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