

单词 to get off on the right foot
24.to get off on the right foot or to start off on the right foot or to start out on the right foot<非正式>一开始就顺利;打响第一炮

It's always nice for a new player to get off on the right foot on his home debut.对一个新运动员来说, 在主场初次亮相就一炮打响总是件好事。

I knew it was essential to start out on the right foot.我知道一炮打响是至关重要的。

I didn't start off on the right foot with the press.我在新闻界并非一开始就一帆风顺。

25.to get under sb's feet
(get in the way)妨碍某人;阻碍某人

The children are always getting under my feet.孩子们总是碍手碍脚的。

See foot




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