

单词 to excuse yourself
1.(justify)+ behaviour为…道歉;为…辩解;表明…的正当性;为…开脱

That doesn't excuse her behaviour.那并不能为她的行为开脱。

Maybe there is some kind of psychological explanation for what he has done, but this cannot excuse him.他的所作所为也许可以从心理学的某个角度得到解释, 但这不能免除他的罪责。

He excused himself by saying he had had no alternative.他说他别无选择, 以此来为自己开脱。

2.(pardon)+ person, behaviour宽恕;原谅;谅解

I could never excuse his bad manners.我永远不会原谅他的无礼行为。

3.to excuse sb from sth
(exempt)+ activity, task允许某人不做某事;免除某人的责任

She is usually excused from her duties during the school holidays.学校放假的时候她通常不用值班。

a medical certificate excusing him from court使他免于出庭的诊断书

4.(judge leniently)容忍;宽大处理

I'm not excusing him for what he did.对他所做的事, 我不会坐视不理的。

Many people might have excused them for shirking some of their responsibilities.很多人可能已经原谅了他们逃避责任的行为。

5.to be excused<婉>(go to toilet)去方便一下

May I be excused?我可以失陪一下吗?

6.excuse me
(asking for attention)请问;劳驾

Excuse me. Please can you tell me where there's a chemist's?劳驾, 您能告诉我哪里有药店吗?

Excuse me for interrupting, but there's something I need to say.对不起, 打扰一下, 我有点事要说。

(apologizing for disturbance)抱歉打扰
(when taking leave)对不起;抱歉

' Excuse me,' she said to Jarvis, and left the room.她对贾维斯说了声“抱歉”, 然后就离开了房间。

(when moving past someone)借光;打扰一下

Excuse me, can I squeeze past please?打扰一下, 我能挤过去吗?

Saying excuse me, pardon me, Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room.嘴里说着“借过, 请让一下”, 西顿挤进了人满为患的客厅。

(in crowd)请借光!麻烦让开!
(after bumping into someone)对不起!
(after belching, etc)不好意思!
<美>(what did you say?)请您再说一遍!
7.to excuse yourself
(take leave)借故离开

He excused himself and went up to his room.他借故离开, 回到了自己房间。

See excuse




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