

单词 to drop the ball over the net
1.(let fall; accidentally)使落下;使掉下

I dropped the glass and it broke.我不小心把玻璃杯掉下来摔碎了。

2.(let go of; deliberately)放下;丢下;投下

He dropped my hand and smiled.他放下我的手, 微笑起来。

to drop the ball over the net【网】吊小球;放小球;放短球
3.(reduce)+ price使下降;使降低

See if he's prepared to drop the price.看看他是否准备降价。

He had dropped the price of his London home by £1.25m.他将自己伦敦住宅的价格降低了125万镑。

4.(lower)+ voice降低;+ eyes垂下;+ trousers脱下

They dropped their voices as they entered church.进入教堂之后他们放低了自己的说话声。

He dropped his eyes.他垂下眼睛。

I had to drop my trousers so they could inspect the wound.我必须脱掉裤子, 好让他们检查我的伤口。

5.(set down from car)+ passenger使下车;+ goods从车上卸下

I asked the taxi to drop me at the corner.我让出租车把我放到转角处。

The children were dropped at school by their parents.孩子们被家长送到学校。

6.(unload from boat)+ passenger使下船;+ cargo从船上卸下

when a cruise ship drops passengers ashore当乘客下游轮登岸时

Doubtless she'll drop her cargo on Mauritius.毫无疑问, 她会在毛里求斯卸货。


Drop the vehicle off at the garage next to the station.把车放在车站旁的汽车修理厂。

You are to drop the attaché case at the airport.你把公文包存放在机场。

8.(abandon)+ idea放弃;+ project终止;+ legal case撤回;+ sanctions停止;+ school subject不再学习;+ matter, subject不再提起

He was told to drop the idea.他被要求打消这个念头。

The prosecution was forced to drop the case.控方被迫撤诉。

Many nations still had not dropped sanctions against South Africa.很多国家还没有终止对南非的制裁。

I'm going to drop chemistry.我要放弃学化学了。

Does that mean you're going to drop the subject?那是不是意味着你要结束这个话题了?

The board decided to drop the matter.董事会决定这件事到此为止。

9.(omit from team)+ player把…除名

He had been selected, but had later been dropped.他本来已经被选中, 但是后来又被剔除了。

10.(cease to associate with)+ friend与…断绝往来;+ lover与…分手

He has been dropped by his girlfriend.他被他的女朋友抛弃了。

11.<尤美,非正式>(dismiss)+ employee解雇
12.(omit)+ word, letter, syllable省略;遗漏

A passage in the initial draft of the letter was dropped.这封信初稿中的一段话被略去了。

She shortened difficult words by dropping the final syllable.她略去难单词的最后一个音节, 让单词变短。

13.(utter casually)+ remark, clue无意中说出;随口说出
14.(give birth to)(动物)产, 下(崽)

if the female is fertilized again at the time she drops her young若雌性产崽时再次受孕

15.+ hem放长
16.(by parachute)+ troops, equipment, supplies空投

They had been dropping ammunition by parachute to alliance forces.他们已用降落伞向盟军部队空投弹药。

17.【海】(leave behind)把…落在后面;驶出…的视野
18.(lose)+ game, set, contest输掉;+ points

He dropped his first service game.他丢掉了第一个发球局。

He has still won three matches without dropping a set.他已赢下三场比赛, 仍然一盘未失。

Italy dropped three points to Switzerland.意大利队输给瑞士队3分。

to drop your serve【网】输掉发球局
19.(lose)+ money(尤指赌博中)输
20.(get rid of)slimmer ++ pounds, kilos减少;减轻;+ size减小

She dropped 17 pounds in three weeks.她3周之内减掉了17磅。

She is on a diet to lose 3kg to drop a dress size.为了减掉三公斤穿小一码的衣服, 她正在节食。

21.【英橄】(using drop kick)+ ball落踢;双脚飞踢
22.【体】(spin)+ car使…打转冲出赛道
23.<非正式>(take)+ drug, LSD吞服;吞食
See drop




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