

单词 to drive sth into sth
1.+ car, lorry, bus, train驾驶;开

He drives a taxi.他开出租车。

the man who had driven the getaway car驾驶逃逸汽车的男子

2.(take by car)+ person开车送

My mother drives me to school.妈妈开车送我上学。

I was able to drive myself to work.我能够自己开车上班。

3.(be in charge of)+ horse驱赶;+ cart, carriage, coach驾驭

a little old lady who drives a horse and buggy around town赶着轻型马车绕着城跑的小个子老妇人

4.(power)+ motor, wheel, rocket推动;驱动

the electric motors that drive the wheels驱动轮子的电动机

They use liquid hydrogen to drive the rockets.他们用液态氢驱动火箭。

5.【体】(kick)+ football劲射
(hit)+ tennis ball抽击
(strike)+ golf ball大力击球

Armstrong drove the ball into the Liverpool net.阿姆斯特朗一脚劲射, 皮球应声蹿入利物浦队网窝。

6.(move)+ sheep, cattle赶;驱赶

Every summer shepherds drive their sheep to pasture.每个夏季, 牧羊人都会把羊群赶到牧场上。

7.(force to go)+ person赶走;迫使…采取某种行动

those who have been driven from their homes by the conflict那些因战争而被迫离开家园的人

The war drove thousands of people into neighbouring countries.战争迫使成千上万的人涌入邻国。

8.【猎】+ game围赶

To drive deer with a vehicle is a criminal offence.驾车逐鹿是犯罪行为。

9.【猎】(search for game)+ area在…搜寻猎物

Drive the area you plan to hunt.在你准备狩猎的区域搜寻猎物。

10.to drive sb to sth
(push to)+ murder, suicide迫使某人做某事;驱使某人做某事

His depression drove him to suicide.抑郁驱使他自杀。

Jealousy drives people to murder.嫉妒驱使人们去杀人。

11.to be driven by sth
(strongly motivated)受…驱动;受…驱使

a man driven by greed and envy受贪婪和嫉妒驱使的男子

12.to drive sth into sth
+ nail, peg, stake, rivet把…敲入…;把…压进…

I used a sledgehammer to drive the pegs into the ground.我用大锤把桩子打进了地里。

13.to drive sth into sth
+ hole, shaft在…内钻…;在…里凿…

It drives a hole into the coal seam using a hydraulic bit.它用水力钻头在煤层上钻洞。

14.(dash)rain +猛浇;wind +猛刮;waves +猛打;猛击

The wind drove the stinging sleet into her eyes, mouth and nose.风将刺骨的冻雨刮进了她的眼睛、嘴巴、鼻子里。

15.(urge on)驱使…拼命工作;督促…拼命干

parents who drive their children too hard把孩子逼得太紧的父母

See drive




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