

单词 to do sth about sb
2.(referring back to another verb)(在提到某动词词组后用于代替另外的动词词组, 亦可用于指代前一句中提到的动词词组)

Think carefully before doing anything.做任何事之前要三思。

I sat down, and Elena did the same.我坐了下来, 埃琳娜也坐下来。

3.(be busy, active)忙于;从事

What are you doing this evening?你今晚忙什么?

4.to do sth with sth

I've no idea what I will do with the money.我不知道我要用这笔钱做些什么。

5.to do sth about sb/sth
(to solve problem)对…采取某行动

The Party doesn't seem to know what to do about its embattled leader.该党看来不知道该怎样处理这位四面楚歌的领导人。

6.(talking about effects)引起;造成

Such incidents do nothing to improve their reputation.此类事件不会提高他们的声誉。

7.to do sth for sth做某事度过某段时光
8.(visit)+ city, museum参观;游览

I want to do Westminster Abbey when we're in London.等我们到了伦敦, 我想参观威斯敏斯特大教堂。

9.(indicating speed)以…速度行进

The car was doing 100.这辆汽车当时的时速是100。

10.(clean, tidy)使整洁;洗涤;整理

I must do the bedrooms before the guests arrive.我必须在客人到达之前把卧室收拾干净。

11.<非正式>+ period of time(做某工作等)度过(一段时间)

He did three years in the army.他在部队服役3年。

12.<非正式>(take)+ heroin, cocaine吸食

I don't do drugs.我不吸毒。

13.(provide, sell)供应;销售

This restaurant doesn't do lunch on Sundays.这家餐馆周日不提供午餐。

14.(indicating personal grooming)打扮;整理妆容

I've just got to do my hair and brush my teeth.我得梳梳头刷刷牙。

I still have to wash my hair and do my nails.我还得洗头发、修指甲。

See do




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