

单词 to burn your boats
7.to burn your boatsSeeburn¹
8.to miss the boat
(to lose an opportunity)错过机会;错失良机

It 's simply a matter of individuals who have missed the boat by bad choices.这只是选择错误造成个人错失良机。

9.to push the boat out<英>(spend lavishly)(尤指为庆祝)大把花钱

I earn enough to push the boat out now and again.我挣的钱足以让自己时不时大把花钱玩个痛快。

Doubles start at £232, or push the boat out with the Nobel Suite.双人间最低232英镑, 要不就奢侈一把, 住豪华套间。

10.to rock the boat
(cause trouble)捣乱;制造事端;破坏现状;惹是生非

I didn't want to rock the boat in any way.我从没想过要打破目前的平静。

People got on in their careers by not rocking the boat.事业上平步青云, 靠的是不惹是生非。

Mr Ozawa is known for rocking the boat with his uncompromising statements.小泽先生以用强硬言论搅扰局面而著称。

See boat




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