

单词 to burn a hole in sth
1.(get rid of)+ waste, rubbish, letter烧掉;焚烧

Incineration plants should be built to burn household waste.应该兴建焚烧厂来焚烧生活垃圾。

2.(set fire to)person ++ building, town, effigy放火烧毁

Protesters set cars on fire and burned a building.抗议者们火烧汽车并烧毁了一栋建筑物。

In Paris his effigy was burned in the streets.在巴黎, 他的模拟像被当街烧掉。

3.(injure)+ hand, finger烧伤;灼伤;烫伤

I've burned my hand.我把手烧伤了。

Take care not to burn your fingers.当心别烫了手指。

If you are badly burnt, seek medical attention.烧伤严重的话要就医。

4.(spoil)+ food烧焦;烤煳

I burnt the toast.我把面包烤煳了。

5.(destroy)fire +烧掉;烧毁
(damage)ember, cigarette +烧坏

The fire burned the entire forest floor.大火烧毁了整座森林植被。

The nightclub was burnt to the ground.该夜总会被大火夷为平地。

Coal fell out of the fire and burned the carpet.煤渣从炉火里掉出来烧坏了地毯。

6.sun ++ skin, back, face晒伤;acid, corrosive substance +灼伤

Summer sun can burn fair skin in minutes.夏日的阳光几分钟就能把白皙的皮肤晒伤。

He burned himself with acid.他用酸把自己烧伤了。

7.to burn a hole in sth在…上烧出洞;把…腐蚀出洞

The cigarette burnt a hole in her dress.香烟把她的连衣裙烧了一个洞。

The acid had burnt a hole in the metal.酸把这块金属腐蚀出了一个洞。

8.(use)+ candle, incense点燃

We love to burn candles at Christmas.我们喜欢在圣诞节点蜡烛。

Put on some relaxing music and burn some incense.放点轻松的音乐, 燃几炷香。

9.(use as fuel)+ fuel, oil, coalpower station, household +用…当燃料;烧

The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.这些发电厂烧的煤产自鲁尔区。

You don't have to burn fossil fuels to make electricity.没有必要通过烧化石燃料来发电。

10.+ fat, calories消耗

Evidence is mounting that vigorous exercise does more than burn fat.越来越多的证据表明剧烈运动不仅会消耗脂肪。

Running up sand dunes or jumping waves will burn calories and tone muscles.往沙丘上跑或跳浪有助于消耗热量, 强健肌肉。


Women were burned as witches in the Middle Ages.中世纪时期, 女人被当成巫婆烧死。


Part of the wall was burned.一部分墙体被烤焦了。

13.(cause to smart)使刺痛;使火辣辣地痛

delicious Indian recipes which won't burn your throat印度美食烹饪法, 照此做出的菜不辣嗓子。

14.(cauterize)(医疗)烧灼, 烙
See burn




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