

单词 to bubble back to the surface
1.(form bubbles)起泡;冒泡;沸腾

Cook the mixture until it bubbles.将混合料煮至起泡。

Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling.将调味汤汁加热至冒泡。

2.pan, pot +发出噗噗声;发出汩汩声

The coffeepot bubbled, filling the room with fragrance.咖啡壶噗噗地冒着泡, 房间里弥漫着香气。

3.stream, water +汩汩地移动(或流动)

The water bubbled to the surface.水汩汩地涌出水面。

4.to bubble back to the surface<文>rumour, tension +重新涌现出来;再次冒出来

Rumours of financial scandals have come bubbling back to the surface.关于金融丑闻的谣言再次冒了出来。

5.(with excitement)person +充溢;泛滥

She came to the phone bubbling with excitement.她兴奋不已地去接电话。

At the same time, the press bubbles with stories of the sale of Russian arms to Serbia.与此同时, 媒体上充斥着俄罗斯向塞尔维亚出售军火的报道。

6.<文>(sparkle)show, performance +生动活泼;激动人心;令人兴奋
See bubble




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